Okay. Actually. The Truth Just Hurts. Kind of Like When Someone is Stabbed.

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Her words shook me. I knew that name. "Julius." It echoed until I could remember it.

Her first love. The love she killed. "Wait wait wait. Hold on a minute. I thought you told me you killed him? Ripped his heart out."
She pulled away her eyes pleading. She was open laid bare in front of me. Beautiful. Achingly so.
Her gaze was all seriousness as she spoke. "And I thought I had. I had tried to. That was the plan. We would die together, but he had betrayed me. He was a coward. He had been sipping vampire blood daily.  I hadn't known the man he truly was. Even as a mortal, he thirsted for blood and power. Any who dared wield more power than him he killed. I hadn't ever seen it. To me he was a kind poet, a gentle ruler whom I loved. The only reason he wished to know of the beast who tormented the subjects of Julius's kingdom was so he could become a beast himself. I was a puppet in his game. I was sweeter then. I was more naive then. Just a child in the long span of my life.

I had killed him to spare him from Nik's cruel hand. I was going to die myself. Julius would have let me kill myself, knowing he would be coming back to life. If Nik had not stopped my hand I would have died right after him.
When Julius came to life once more he no longer hid his true self. He had power like that he lusted for. His enemies were easily vanquished under his mighty fist."

She shook against me, a shiver overtaking her as she remembered. I stroked my hand through her hair landing on her back and rubbed circles along it in some type of effort to comfort her.

" I left and had mourned him. I had mourned the death of the man I once knew. After some time we had found our way to each other again. I was blinded unable to see any bad qualities he possessed still. He had seemed to me, that he was the man I once loved once more. He was sweet and joking once more. I loved him once more. Then, he killed Katerina and 'Lijah's twin. This time I killed him knowing he would never come back. Kat tried to get me to move on. Even Nik was drawn to New Orleans feeling my sour mood across oceans. He came and tried with all his might to make me jovial once more and that was the end of Julius and I."

I nodded. Her story was sad, but she was no monster. We sat there for a moment holding each other. "I guess it is only fair a story for a story. Just how we began to know each other. Maybe it can be our thing. I will tell you, my story is way more simple than yours. I mean I guess that makes sense. I only had 22 years for my story involving real people other than me to happen, while you have had centuries. You aren't a monster. I was called a monster, but I see why things happened. After the merge I could see it a bit more. Maybe it's little Lukas in my head, maybe it's you by my side. I don't know, but know people like to throw around the word monster. It's like a gross frisbee being tossed from person to person.

I was born without magic of my own. It made me a black sheep. A disgrace. I was first told I may one day be the leader of my coven, but as they saw what I was they began to stop telling me that. Instead I heard whispers from my parents. They believed I was a monster. A blight on their so called perfect family tree. My mother and dad began to have more babies wanting another set of twins. It was upsetting. They threw me to the side more and more. It was like they were forgetting I was their son. They were forgetting I wasn't just some blight. My family became less cautious with their words. To my face they began to call me a monster. I began to think of myself as one. My father said it often enough. I was a mistake. Something ill. Disgusting. Gross. Forsaken. All I really wanted was magic of my own. I wanted to be more than a monster to be their leader.

It was my last straw when I asked my father when I would be merging with Jo. When would one of us lead our coven? My father laughed at that. "Never Malachai. You will never be leading this coven. You were a mistake. Something we have been cursed with." I knew at that time why they had so many more kids. Finally stopping when they had the next set of twins. They had wished to replace us. Discard me as though I truly was nothing but a cosmic mistake.

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