Into The Rabbit Hole We Go

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My eyes adjusted as I blinked them trying to get a bearing of my surroundings.
Wait...blinking? Aren't I daggered? Gods, did Kol do something wrong? More importantly, where was I?
A cool voice to my side spoke, contempt dripping with each word spoken, "I don't know, sister. Where are we? Was this not your doing?"
I whipped around to see, this was not as Rebekah described. I was meant to be alone, in a dreamless sleep. Frozen in time. "Niklaus?" Try as I might, I could feel the astonishment easily slipped into my voice.
How was he here at my side, so real? It must be him, so angry in his gaze. No illusion could hold that same emotion.
His eyes were narrowed at me, the usual ocean they held was now dark and stormy. His voice was cold as though I was nothing but a child to chide when he spoke, "It seems you do not know the true effects of what you have done. It seems you never have the forethought to know what you have done. You've trapped us and for what? You've betrayed us in your petty games."

My lips formed a thin line, but I would not argue. It was true, perhaps my chain was not the reinforcement I had imagined it to be. "I suppose I do not truly know my actions. I had just strengthened the thread of fate that binds us, but perhaps it did more. It doesn't help me know where we are though. Something went wrong. I thought I had known. It was a punishment, just for a short spiel."
My vision still was playing tricks on me, the world still shifting even as I blinked and could hear Nik clearly.
"Who are you to throw punishment, Viktoria? You are not our mother. Besides, I assume this a middle ground for the both of us. Could be your mind or mine too." The contempt had dropped slightly at the end though I could feel anger emanating from him. He, despite not always being known for it, was quite excellent at deductions.
"I am not our mother. You are correct there, but I'm the only one strong enough to dole punishment to either of us. Therefore, the weight falls on me I suppose. Perhaps it is a middle ground we stand in. A place for us to be able to talk our issues." I wished not to concede more, though I supposed his option made some sense.

We were bound so tight from my spell, it would make sense for us to be in one of our minds. Forced into the same spot.
My vision began to steady and I could see my brother clearly now. His clothing took me aback. He wore white and tan, his clothes looked hand sewn by an unsteady hand. A hand I recognized as my own from my childhood and time before we were-.

I looked down upon my own self and saw my clothes, a cream almost yellow dress loose around me, my feet bare as I so often kept them. My hair was long and wavy. I was as my mother called me, belonging to the wilds. "My gods-."
Nik interrupted my sentence, "Since we are here, and though I do wish to kill you rather strongly. Tell me. Tell me why. Why have you daggered us? Are we, in your mind truly such monsters?" His voice held a loathing in it. One I often linked to Mikael himself, as he spat what monsters we were at us. There was no truth to it.
I did not think us so. No one is born a monster, but I believed we would become them. Fated to change into them if we did not learn.

"No, I could not think us monsters, not as we are now. We have done many things over these thousand years. We have daggered our siblings, undoubtedly slaughtered innocents. A pattern we continue and threaten to continue. A propensity for monstrous deeds. A pattern, I wish us to break from. You are a father now. I am over 1,000. We needed to pay, that is true, and so I found a dagger for us. It is only fitting it be turned on those who were once the only true masters of it. I know of your doppelgänger blood, of your movements and ideas to make yourself a king. In fact, I agree with some of them. Yet, we have become lost. We are on our way to something we cannot return from, and I wish us to come back. I know the feelings of want as well as you, but now is the time to guide our family. To show Elijah, you can become the man he wishes you to be. We are-."

I did not think to finish that thought. Interrupting the grey haze near us came a woman fully formed and in sharp view. Her hair was dark and long, her eyes hungry like a shark that had its taste of man's blood. She walked to us with steady steps and without thinking Nik and I's hands found each others. It was a nervous habit we had outgrown by the time we were twelve, it seemed it raised its head again.
When she spoke to us her voice radiated power, it rang through us like rushing water. The the notes were soft and high.

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