Lost Souls

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After the preliminary questions were out of the way, a parade of people entered my room. Each introducing themselves with a name.
With their names came flashes, sometimes of color, sometimes of events.
No new memories came.

I first sat alone with Elijah. He spoke candidly of the struggles we had. He spoke of good times and bad. When he left I had an impression of him and of myself.

We acted monstrously at times. He was balanced, but I hated that. We bickered, but would be at each other's side in the end.

Next came Niklaus. I was right, I didn't often call him Niklaus. He was Nik to me. The memories that came were fast and hard hitting. Liquor in a glass. A carved wolf. Twin, I understood he was my twin. Paint, red and undrying.

Rebekah. She held me close sobbing into my shoulder. With her there was no blood I'd been accustomed to in my family. Instead I saw memories of swirling dresses. Daggers. Curled hair. I remembered her laughter.

Kol. He sat by my side watching me thoughtfully. His smile wide and impish. In his memories I saw magic. Baseball bats. Glasses of bourbon. Blood coating the walls. Daggers and plays. He held my hand softly. "I worried. Even Davina worried."

Hayley came with baby Hope. I didn't have many memories of Hope. She was a baby. Almost 2.
With Hope, I had flashes of a mobile. Her giggling and walking.
Hayley smiled at me softly, and when she wasn't she was biting her lip nervously. "I hope you recover, Viktoria. I know we argued, but you're my family."
I smiled back. I saw her in glimpses through the fog. I saw her laying throat open in a pool of blood. I saw her beneath a full moon, her eyes were golden. Blood. Wolves. Agony.

Then, came Caroline. She smiled at me sweetly, a coffee in hand. "I can't believe Klaus stabbed you. Oh, and don't worry! There is no blood in the coffee." She giggled nervously and then stared at me.
The memories that came from her were sweet. A cool cloth on my head. A sparkling dress. Diamond bracelets. A chipper speech.

After Katherine and Henrik. Henrik informed me he may look different, older. He smiled softly nervously. "Sorry Juliet isn't here." I patted his hand. The twins. They were blood and betrayal. Love. Grief. Power.
Katherine I felt strength. I remembered tears and love. Betrayal. She smiled at me, sharp and fierce.
"I'm happy you fought back. Happy you survived."

Then, Damon, Elena, and Stefan.
Elena looked a lot like Katherine, I noticed with wide eyes. They were like twins. Elena smiled introducing herself to me. "It's weird, but I'm glad you are still alive." No, the comment was weird, but I brushed it off. From the glimpses I got I was villainous. It'd make sense my death would have a ton of supporters.

At this point I began to grow anxious. I still hadn't met that name in my head. Kai. I hadn't brought it up either, if it was nothing. Well, if it was nothing I didn't want to be called crazy on top of being an amnesiac.

The memories with Elena were brief. There was booze. Which led me to questioning if I am an alcoholic, I mean how could I be drinking in every memory? Blood, normal by now, but it was her blood. In the memories I saw her and Katherine two sides of the same coin, it was constantly turning between each of them.

Stefan's memories were different. I saw him drinking happily with Klaus. I saw heads rolling. A journal with a photo tucked inside. He was violent, I could see that and jerked away from him. In response his eyes grew distant and he looked at me carefully. His eyes were a nice hazel green, but that didn't stop the flashes of anger I saw in my mind. It echoed my own that I had seen. I finally was able to touch something I didn't know. A word. Ripper.
He came closer to me, "What did you see, Viktoria? When you heard my name. What did you see?"

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