Hey! I Really Enjoy Revenge!

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My breath was stuck in my throat, though I forced myself to suck in a large breath as I heard the door creak. I began to count and steady myself. One.

"Darling," my mother's voice rang in false sweetness.

Two. "We know you are here Viktoria. There was nowhere to run. Come on out."

Three. Footsteps fell heading in my direction. Her voice still rang true, "You used to do the same thing when you were little. Hide in the woods when you were frightened. You never were a good hider."

Four. She walked by me and I grabbed her my hand tight over her mouth. She was no longer my mother. This is what I told myself.

Five. I let myself feel only coldness to her. She tormented me. The knife I had dipped in my poison I held poised above her heart.

Six. I drew from her magic. Murmuring the spell I knew of silence. Truly, one of the only I knew on a very short list of spells. "Silentium." I mimed a mouth closing with my hands. Then another to keep her frozen. "Nunc statua." They were some of the only ones I could recall.

Her eyes were wide in shock, but other than that she did not move against me. It seemed my spell worked. Now it was my turn to get out my frustrations over being tortured. I had kept in mind that there blood may be poisoned with something against me, so I had a method to smell it first.

I smiled wide and stabbed her repeatedly. I snarled smelling her blood and ripped into her neck drinking rapidly before the poison reached her neck. When I was done she fell limp to the ground. No soul left for the spell to bind upward. I left her body for all to see as a warning.

It was time to find Freya and Mikael. I could smell their scents in the air. Freya may have been a shaky ally, but she watched as I was tortured for far too long. She was an ally no more in my mind.

When I found Mikael he looked as if he wanted nothing more than a fight with me. This would be no fight, that I knew.

Tapping into my magic I threw him into the wall. As he recovered, like a beast I leapt at him my fangs and claws extending.

I sank my fangs into his neck violently. He should have a good time with werewolf toxin in his system. Viciously I tore at his neck. He tore me off spitting insults and cussing against the pain of my bite. With a kick to the ribs from him I landed at the wall and stood up growling like the beast inside. His own gaze held no mercy for me.

I burned with my own inner rage as Freya entered. With a flick of her wrist I was pinned to the wall. "Child's play." "Freya," I gawked, "I thought-."
Her own smile was cold as she analyzed the room. "He is my father. The only to ever show me love. I would not leave him alone against you. I didn't wish to be a backstabber to you. That you must know. You and Niklaus had killed our parents before. I would not let it happen again. Mother was fine, father was not. He saved me." I gasped.

"Oh you didn't think? You thought I would choose you over the family I knew and loved? You have betrayed Finn so many times. Why would I side with you and Niklaus? Even Elijah is aligned against you."

I went rigid. No. She was lying. That would be the worst of any betrayal. My gaze was sharp on her. "He wouldn't. I have done no worse to him than he has to me."

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