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I groaned and flopped down on my bed.

In the end, I didn't manage to confess to him.

I sighed and grabbed my phone that was on my bedside table. I opened the messenger app and immediately clicked on Chiaki's profile.


[What happened?]

[I couldn't do it Chiaki T___T]
[I couldn't confess my feelings to Nagito T____T]


[Don't laugh!]
[I'm in serious pain rn </3]


[heart been broke so many times]

[I don't know what to believe]

[Chiakiiiii T___T]
[srsly T____T]
[help T____T]
[I ran out of ideas on how I should confess to him T___T]

[How abt u invite him to hang out?]
[Tomorrow is Friday]
[You guys could hang out after school]

[hANG OUT?!]
[That's too straightforward!1!1!1!1! (┛◉Д◉)┛]

[But you might have a chance...]
[Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ]

[But I'll blame you if something bad happens ಠ_ಠ]

[Sure lol]

I turned off my phone and sighed, "I guess I should get some sleep..." I muttered before letting sleep overtake me.


I stared at the wall clock intently.

5 more minutes before lunch break...

You can do this, Y/n!

I faced front to see Miss Chisa discussing something, "Ahhhh I can't do this..."

Maybe I could come up with an excuse to not ask him ou–


The school bell rang, signaling the start of lunch break. I mentally groaned and pressed my forehead against my desk, "Be brave, Y/n!"

I saw Chiaki make her way towards me.

"Hey Y/n," She smiled, "So–"

I glared at the gamer and turned my head away from her, "Yeah, yeah... I'll go ask him..."

"R-Really?!" Surprise was evident in Chiaki's tone, "You're really gonna do it?" Chiaki's eyes seemed to be sparkling.

I avoided Chiaki's sparkling eyes and nodded my head, earning a huge grin from the gamer.

"Well... what are you waiting for?! Go ahead and ask him right now!"Chiaki pulled my arms to make me stand up and gently pushed me towards the direction of my crush.

I turned to look at Chiaki for moral support before finally making my way towards Nagito's seat.

"N-Nagito!" I called out to the albino as I approached him.

"Ah, Y/n! To think that you're talking to someone like me!" The boy smiled brightly making my heart skip a beat, "So what is it that you want?"

I felt heat rise to my cheeks, "U-Uhm... So I was w-wondering..." I looked down at the floor to avoid Nagito's gaze.

"I was wondering i-if..."

"If... If you would like to h-hang out with me after school...?" I stammered and look up from the ground.

Nagito placed his hand on his chin in a thinking motion, "I don't know why you would like to hang out with trash like me, but sure. I'd love to," He half-smiled.

My eyes widened at his response.


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