Chapter Two 03

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The next day

I entered the hotel restaurant to find everyone in a state of panic.

"Wh-What's going on...?" I asked.

Ibuki ran up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders, "Hajime! (surprise :D) Have you seen Y/n?!" She shook me back and forth.


"What about them...?" I asked, getting a bit dizzy from all this shaking.

"We haven't seen them since yesterday after breakfast!" Ibuki's shaking started to turn more aggressive.

"They weren't at their cabin either!" Mahiru added.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten about the traitor that Monokuma mentioned yesterday at the old ruin.

"Hey, why are there seventeen of you?" Monokuma asked, "If a total of sixteen students from Hope's Peak Academy were arranged to come to this island... That's right! There's probably a traitor that even *I* don't know about hiding among the group!" Monokuma laughed at our shocked expressions.

"First Nagito and now Y/n...? What on earth is happening?!" Sonia cried.

"M-M-Miss Sonia!" Kazuichi gasped as he saw tears come out of his crush's face, "If... If it makes you feel better.... I know where Nagito is..." Kazuichi said with a hint of hesitation.

Sonia wiped away her tears and looked at Kazuichi with a hopeful expression which made the mechanic blush, "You-! You do..?"

"Yup! In fact, Nekomaru and I tied him up!" Kazuichi proudly exclaimed.

Silence engulfed the whole restaurant. It was so silent, you could hear the ocean's waves from the distance.

"Wha-What? Did I say something wrong?" Kazuchi looked nervously at us while we just stared at him in disbelief.

"....Hey, what did you mean by that...?" Mahiru was the first one to speak up.

"Like I said, Nekomaru and I tied up Nagi- WAAAAAH! I wasn't supposed to tell you guys that!!" Kazuichi yelled in realization.

"B-But! You gotta believe me..! There's no way we could just let him run around freely! I mean, he tried to put us all in danger, right?!" Kazuichi frantically defended himself.

"Teruteru committed a murder because that guy tempted him, right?" Nekomaru came to Kazuichi's defense, "So that makes him a killer too! It's necessary to deal with him in an appropriate way!"

"So that's why you tied him up..." Peko glanced at Nekomaru and Kazuchi, "However.... that cannot be helped. He is quite dangerous,"

"H-How should I put this... he's a little creepy... Ah, not that I want to badmouth him or anything...." Mikan said timidly.

"He's not a little creepy, he's creepy to the max! His creepiness is so high, he could sell tickets to see it!" I chuckled at Ibuki's remark.

Man, if Y/n was here, they would start defending Nagito like crazy...


...Where *is* Y/n?


Y/n L/n's Point Of View

I woke up to Nagito sleeping beside me. I giggled as I felt his soft white hair tickle my nose. I gently wiggled out of his grasp, stood up, and stretched.

"Time to grab some breakfast!" I quietly cheered and made my way to the hotel restaurant.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some food before quickly going back to the abandoned building, careful to not get spotted. I opened the door to the dining hall to see Nagito still sleeping.

I chuckled before placing the plate of food on the floor, "Wakey-wakey sleepyhead! It's time for breakfast!" I gently shook him awake.

"Hmmm?" Nagito's eyes slowly fluttered open, "Good morning..." He sat up and yawned.

"Morning!" I greeted with a wide grin. I grabbed the toast on the plate and began feeding him.

We stayed in comfortable silence with only the sounds of Nagito's chewing echoing throughout the empty space.

"So..." Nagito swallowed the last of his toast, "What do you plan on doing today?"

"Well... I plan on spending the entire day with you!" I stated.

Nagito's eyes lit up with an unknown emotion, "R-Really? You want to... spend time.... with trash like me...?" He asked.

I frowned at his words, "Hey now..." I cupped his face with my hands, "You're not trash, okay? You're an amazing person that deserves the entire world, you got that?"

Nagito blushed and looked away, "I... I really am lucky..." I heard him whisper.

Hearing those words, I smiled and engulfed him in a hug, "If anyone's lucky then it's me! Thanks to you, I'm able to experience new emotions everyday! Every second with you is a blessing!" I laughed.

True to my word, The day ended with me spending the entire day at the abandoned building with Nagito and only leaving to grab some food for the both of us.

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