Chapter One 08

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I made my way to the corner of the room towards Nagito who was sipping his drink with a smile on his face.

I smirked when I noticed that he wasn't paying any attention to me. I slowly walked behind him and...

"BOO!" I shouted and grabbed him by the shoulders causing him to flinch.

"Y/n! You shouldn't do that!" Nagito tried his best to sound angry while I just laughed.

"Is Nagito Komaeda a wittle scawdy cat?" I teased.

"I...I wasn't scared! You just startled me.... that's all...." He looked away from me with a light blush.

I laughed and went to hug him until....

beep! beep!

The room went black.

"Na-Nagito?" I waved my hands around, trying to feel the tall, albino male who was just beside me seconds ago.

"NAGITO!" I shouted as I felt no presence beside me.

"Uwah! It's a b-blackout!"

"Hey, I can't see anything!"

"I-It's pitch black! My future is pitch black!"

"E-Everyone, calm down! We gotta stay calm in situations like this!"

I tried to walk around with my arms outstretched. I walked until I felt myself step on something

"WAAH! Don't step on my feet!"

"S-Sorry!" I apologized

"What the hell? What's going on here?!"

"Thi-This is...!"


That voice!


"Turn the damn lights on! I can't eat like this y'know!"

"You guys? Where are you? W-Wasn't the blackout.... just in the kitchen...?"

"Perhaps the breaker overloaded?"

"H-Hold on a sec! I'll go along the wall and... do something about it!"

I tried to adjust my eyes to the dark until...

The lights went back again.

"Ah!" Hajime was the first one to speak followed by Sonia.

"Th-That is....!" Sonia shouted as she pointed her finger towards something causing everyone to look at the direction she was pointing at.

"Mikan!" I gasped as I saw the said girl in a very lewd pose.

I quickly ran towards the girl and helped her get up to avoid anymore embarrassment.

"Are you okay, my dear?" I looked at Mikan who was shaking and had tears at the corner if her eyes.

"Y-Yeah... Th-Thank you, Y/n..." She let out a weak smile. I returned the smile and hugged her.

I let go of the hug just in time to listen to what Sonia was about to say.

"Byakuya is missing... Did he go somewhere..?" The princess asked. I counted everyone inside the room and indeed, Byakuya was missing.

"Eh..? Byakuya..?" Nagito questioned.

"Nagito!" I ran up to the albino male and tackled him.

"Y/n? W-Woah!" We both fell to the floor with me on top of him.

"Where were you during the blackout?! I was so scared! I thought that something had...." I wasn't able to finish my sentence as I smelt a rotten scent from under the table.

Could it be...?

"Gross! Get a room you two!!" Hiyoko whined in disgust.

I stood up with Nagito soon following after, "Wait," I said firmly. "There's something under that table," I pointed towards the table that had a rotten scent.

"Now that you mention it... It kinda smells like..." Akane sniffed the air causing her eyes to widen, "BLOOD!"

Hearing those words, Hajime slowly went towards the table and opened the table cloth to reveal....

Byakuya's corpse lying down face first onto the wooden floor with a pool of his own blood surrounding him.

Everyone stared in shock as they tried to process the sight before them.

"Goodness gracious.... things really took a turn for the worst," Monokuma popped out of nowhere.

Monokuma looked at Byakuya's corpse, "My, my, now this is interesting!" He laughed.

"On this tropical paradise known as Jabberwock island, the very first murder has finally taken place!" Monokuma exclaimed joyfully.



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