Chapter Five 04

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I spent the entire day inside my cabin, waiting for the time when Kazuichi's plan will be set into motion.

I looked out of the window to see that the sun had begun to set, "Guess I should head over..." I stood up from my bed and headed towards the hotel lobby.

I opened the door to the lobby to see Fuyuhiko, Akane, and Kazuichi.

"Hey guys," I waved and walked towards the window to take a look at any newcomers, it is the task that I was assigned with after all.

I leaned my head against the window sill and stared as the sky began to be filled with purple, orange, and red hues.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes sleepily, "I should've slept earlier,"

I zoned out while I continued to stand watch by the window. Suddenly, a pair appeared in my line of vision. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at them...

Hajime and...


I gasped at the sight and immediately turned my attention away from the window and to the other people inside the lobby, "Guys! Nagito's here!" I whisper-yelled.

Fuyuhiko and Akane stopped with what they were doing and readied themselves at the front door.

As soon as the door opened, Akane quickly grabbed ahold of the pale luckster, making him unable to move.

"All right, got him!" Akane grunted.

Nagito looked at Akane with 'unamused' written all over his face, "Uhm... What are you doing?" He asked.

"Don't judge us for this but... we're going to tie you up," Fuyuhiko readied the rope that will be used to tie Nagito up.

"Hahahaha... Tie me up?" Nagito let out an amused chuckle.

Now's not the time to laugh, Nagito!!

"T-There's no use struggling!" Kazuichi exclaimed from the corner of the room, far away from the action.

Pfft, coward.

"But I'm not struggling..."

"W-What the hell?! Why are you being so cooperative?!" Fuyuhiko asked cautiously.

"W-who cares?! Just tie him up before it's too late!" Kazuichi demanded.

"You guys are really disappointing... How long are you going to continue behaving so shortsightedly?" Nagito spoke as if he was scolding us, "You gotta look at the bigger picture y'know..." He trailed off.

"H-Huh?" I let out.

"Now then, let's begin! The destruction of Jabberwock Island!"

A bright light appeared at the corner of my eye.

It's a bomb..!

I tried to open my mouth to try and warn the others only for me to feel my body being harshly thrown to the floor.


The sound of the bomb exploding rattled my eardrums as I saw the hotel lobby turn into nothing but ruble.

I tried to stand up only to fail due to my legs giving up from under me. I sighed and laid belly-first onto the cracked floor.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" A familiar laugh filled my ears.

I looked up with what little strength I had and saw Nagito standing atop the rubble, his back turned against the flames, with a huge grin etched onto his delicate features.

I felt my eyelids growing heavy and my head beginning to droop down, signs that I was loosing consciousness.

"Nagi... to..." I weakly mumbled out before finally letting darkness consume me.

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