Chapter Five 02

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Hajime Hinata's Point Of View

I entered the vendor street only to find that everyone was already there.

"All right, looks like everyone's here," Fuyuhiko spoke up.

"Huh what about Nagito and Y/n?" Akane looked around.

"Y/n doesn't want to leave their cabin, remember? And who cares about Nagito?! It's not like he's our friend or anything!" Kazuichi angrily exclaimed.

"I couldn't get Y/n out of their cabin..." Fuyuhiko sighed, "And I couldn't find Nagito anywhere."

"So how did it go? Did you guys find anything about the future foundation?" Fuyuhiko looked at each one of us.

"Not really... Like... I feel like I learned a lot of stuff but at the same I didn't..." Kazuichi scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

We all started to talk about our findings until someone unexpected showed up.

"Weak... how weak..." The familiar voice of the Ultimate Lucky Student echoed throughout the entire vendor street as the said boy revealed himself, "Instead of facing the problem directly and overcoming it... you're desperately trying to run away.."

"That weakness... is hopeless!" Nagito glared at us.

"Nagito... where have you been this whole time..?" I asked the glaring boy.

"I wonder were your thought process wondered off to..." Nagito sighed, "As usual, you guys just kept running around in circles... What are you, hamsters?"

Nagito looked around, as if checking who has here, "Oh, It seems that someone is missing..." He frowned, "Well who cares about someone as hopeless as Y/n, am I right?" He let out a chuckle.

"Why you...! You don't have any right to talk about Y/n like that!" Akane clenched her fist and glared at Nagito in anger.

Nagito let out a fake gasp, "I don't?"

"Anyway... You guys are probably wondering where I've been this whole time, right?" Nagito changed the subject, "Well, I was in the middle of looking for someone..."


Y/n L/n's Point Of View

I woke up to Monomi at the foot of my bed.

"Aaah!" I shouted and sat up.

"Eeeek!" Monomi shrieked back.

"M-Monomi...? Why are you here?" I looked at the diaper-wearing rabbit.

"W-Well I was wondering if you... would like to check the fifth island...?" Monomi fiddled with her... paws...?

"Where's everyone else?"

"At the fifth island...."

I sighed and laid back down on the fluffy mattress, "I don't wanna leave my cabin..."

"H-Huh?! But why?!" Monomi waddled her way beside my bed.

Why do I?

"I... I don't know..." I mumbled.

I heard Monomi sigh before speaking up again, "You know, Y/n... Just because Nagito said those words doesn't mean he hates you, alright?" The rabbit spoke softly.

"He... doesn't hate me...?"

"Mm-hmm! Maybe he said those words to protect you!"

"Protect me..? From what...?"

"The tr— Hu-wha-wha-wha! I... I said too much! I must go now!" The rabbit disappeared from my sight.

I stared at the spot where Monomi was once where with several thoughts running through my head.

Protect me...?

What does she mean by that?

Does Nagito know something that I don't?

Should I try asking him?

It wouldn't hurt to try, right?

I stood up from my bed and made my way towards the fifth bridge.

I better not regret this.

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