Good in the darkness

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(Please vote and comment it would really help me want to write faster... )

The bell rung echoing throughout the schools halls.

Annoyed I slammed my locker door shut turning and stomping to class.

Mr. Haynes stood behind his desk as I walked into the silent room. "Oh, your late...again Kyle." He said as he bent down over his desk and wrote on a small piece of paper. "Here's your third tardy now you will have to stay after school." I snatched the slip out of his hand and made my way to my seat.

"Now class let's start where we left off yesterday." He went on, I decided to block his annoying voice out, and plus I didn't even listen to what was going on yesterday.

For some reason I couldn't get my mind off Yuki, I haven't seen him for awhile and I was starting to get a bit worried. Maybe he just didn't want to see me anymore, he did almost die when hanging out with me, I don't blame him...but still, after everything we've done?

Maybe that's why he stopped coming to school, or he just changed classes so he wouldn't have to see me. Agh it's so frustrating!! I need to see him and confront him..I've never felt like this with anyone so why him?

"Kyle, are you even listening!?" Mr. Haynes snapped hitting his hand on his desk making the guy next to me jump. "No, I wasn't." I replied. "You little smart mouth, you have a week of detention!"

I furrowed my eyebrows confused. "How was I being a smart mouth? I just told you the truth.." He shook his head. "Don't talk back to me boy or it'll be two weeks!"

With a huff I turned away. Asshole's lucky I don't eat him right now.

He went back to what ever he was talking about.

I saw the boy next to me laughing in the corner of my eye which annoyed the shit outta me. "What's so funny?" I snapped turning to him. He smiled at me. "Your just an idiot.." He replied with a chuckle. My hands turning into tight fist I rose from my chair sending it crashing to the floor. "What'd you say you little shit?"

He rose his hands in serenader. "Whoa big guy, I'm not going to fight you.."

"Why! Cause you know I'll kick your ass!?" I smirked taking a step towards him.

He nodded. "Exactly, and honestly I'm not trying to get beat up today..."

"Well if your not trying to get your ass beat keep your fucking mouth shut!" I snapped before grabbing my chair and sitting back down.

Everyone had there eyes on us some even with there cellphones out looking disappointed. "That's it! Two weeks!! That also means you Alex!" Yelled Mr. Haynes.

Alex shrugged looking away from me back to his book. With a low grunt I rose from my chair and made my way to the door. "Where do you think your going?" Asked Haynes in his very annoying voice that made me want to snap his small little neck.

I just need to get away from this fucker before I tear him up literally.

"Bathroom." I said slamming the door open and leaving the silent class.

Pissed I left the school and went to my baby, the best car in the fucking world.

Opening the door I sat in the leather seat resting my head on the cold steering wheel.

Where the hell is Yuki, I'm getting fed up with everything..everyone seems to be getting on my nerves and normally I don't let anything get to me this that littler shit laughing at me. What the fuck was his problem? Agh I need a fucking vacation!


Jerry's been gone for a while and I'm starting to feel really lonely, I really need to get out of this cage...I wounded why I'm not dead yet? It been like two weeks I think without food, well besides the little things Jerry brings and no water..well unless it rains and drips from the celling...

Just as my tummy grumbled the sound of heavy chains hit the ground from outside.

The door cracked open letting in a bright beam of light from the sun that seemed to blind me, I shilled my eyes with my arm.

"Well, I'm a bit surprised your still alive." Said a soft voice. After adjusting to the light I peeked from under my arm to find Maggie leaning on the shed door her arms crossed over her chest. She had on a heavy green jacket and skinny blue jeans with holes at the knees with brown ugg boots that stopped at the ankles.

Her blonde hair hung in a messy bun as her blue eyes stared down at me, a bag sat at her feet that caught my attention.

"W-what do you want? Why am I in here...where is uncle Max?"

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up, gosh be grateful I'm even here, okay and I'm here cause I'm your sweet cousin, your in here cause your dumb and to weak to fight back and daddy forgot about you...obviously."

Smiling she reached down. "You looking at my little bag of goodies?" "N-no.." I replied looking away. "OMG Yuki grow some fucking balls..see this is why people walk all over you cause you don't stand up and fight back. Okay cause if you did you'd probably not be in here.."

"You don't know anything..."

"Oh?" She laughed her hands resting on her hips. "What don't I know?"

"Just leave me alone...or better yet let me the fuck out!" She shook her head. "Can't do that little cat boy..."

"Then why did you come? To tease me!?"

She pushed herself off the shed door and moved slowly toward me. "Well yes, but also to give you this." The bag dropped in front of the cage, fruit and bottles of water rolled onto the floor making my mouth water. "W-why are you doing this for me...I thought you hated me...?" She snorted. "Don't get the wrong ideal...I do hate you..but I'm not that evil..or and since I can't open the cage your have to find away to eat and drink that...don't let it go bad..."

With that she turned and left locking the door behind her leaving me in the darkness.


(It took awhile for me to update, I'm sorry been kinda depressed and not really feeling it...

I would enjoy more comments and even votes. It helps me write faster when I know people want to read please if you have the time leave a comment and vote. Thank you and sorry for short chap. I'm still in my writes block lol)

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