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When I got to class I sat heavily at my desk with a sigh of relief. My back literally felt like it was burning from the gashes on my back and legs rubbing against my clothes. I had ignored all the glares I'd gotten when walking down the hall due to how much pain I was in the only thoughts running through my head was to sit and give my body much needed rest.

I sat my book bag next to my desk pulling out a book and beginning to read while I waited for class to start. The room was slowly filling, some people glaring at me while walking pass and others looking at me as if they've forgotten who I was, which was understandable since I was only here for a day..

Wow just thinking about it blew my mind, just a first day at my new school and I have already been attacked, bitten a boy and been handed threat notes..yeah that kinda confirms that I'm definitely not a lucky person and that God definitely has a grudge for me.

I definitely wasn't invisible anymore, I was now out in the open with a spotlight on me and not in a good way, I felt as if I had to watch my back at home and now at school..
It was frustrating, and I wish there was a way to fix all of this to have at least one good place to go to, but this school was reminding me a lot of my last one. The bullying, the name calling and the threat's but not as bad as the killing ones, but it was still as bad.

Honestly as much as I use to want friends and to be noticed for who I am, all I wanted now was to crawl back into the darkness and be forgotten and invisible again, it was pretty clear that friends wasn't what I was getting in this school or any other for that matter. Uncle Max was right, and I was sure that he sent me here just to prove his point he'd laugh in my face if he ever knew this was going on.

I just hoped this day will go by somewhat fast... Yeah so I can go home to my loving uncle and cousins. Sighing I turned when I saw Sarah walk in her strawberry red hair pulled back in a bun, she took the seat beside me as she took out a paper and pen looking up at the board and writing down what I guessed was notes.

I swallowed what seemed to be a lump...this was my chance..I could possibly fix this tell her I didn't do anything and maybe she'd believe me... "Uh...hey Sarah.." I paused watching as she kept writing not even acknowledging me. With a sigh I scratched the back of my head. "I just wanted to say that...what you've heard isn't t-" "shut up and leave me alone.." She said her voice low as she kept writing glancing at the board every few seconds. "Yeah bu-" "I said shut up! You death!?" She snapped her eyes blazing with anger as she turned to me. I nodded my mouth shutting as I turned to face the front. "Sorry.." I whispered as I slowly bent down as to not cause more pain then I was already feeling and reached for my bag my fingers brushed against it just before it was kicked away from me sliding against the marble floor until it hit the wall.

The class grew silent as all eyes went towards me and who ever stood above me.
My heart racing I glanced up from under my bangs, my eyes widened when I Instantly recognised the same boy I had bitten on my first day, the one who had attacked me..

Could my day get any worse?

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?." He said his voice cold sending shivers down my spine. His angry eyes stared into my own. We stared for a minute longer until the silence was broken by a red headed guy standing next to him. "Hey he's the guy who stabbed you right?" He asked his hands deep in his jean pockets.

"Yeah he is." He sneered as his hands turned into tight fist at his side. His dark cold eyes stared down at me along with the rest of the class. I shifted nervously in my chair my eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "I-I didn't stab you.." I replied, I felt small being lower then him so I started to stand from my desk only to roughly be pushed back down the impact of my back hitting the back of chair had sent waves of pain throughout my whole body taking my breath away, the slashes on my back stung and had brought tears to my eyes. I took a breath pushing them back as I controlled myself trying to forget about the pain.

Don't bully me (BXB) (DISCONTINUED) (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now