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What was I thinking!? God how stupid can I be!?
Why did I do that? Why did I have to go and bite him?

That's it, I'm one could save me.. Not that they'd want to.
I should of just gave in and let him treat me like shit..although it did feel pretty good fighting back.. No...that's not the case, now I'm a dead man and this will be just like last time! I'll be bullied, beaten and...well I guess that already happens but I don't need it in school too.

I stood in the bathroom staring into the mirror, my lips where stained with blood, I looked like an animal. I did something I'd never done before, and it felt great yet bad at the same time.

It was the first time in my life that I actually fought back..
A small smile spread across my lips as I twisted the nob on the sink the warm water flowing down into the drain. Cupping my hands I filled them with water and splashed it onto my face washing the blood off then poring it into my mouth swishing it around then spitting it out.

I could still taste the blood but not as bad as before. I pore water in my mouth a few more times and spitting it into the sink watching at the red water went down the drain, after the fifth time the taste was finally gone and my mouth felt fresh...well as fresh as it's going to get.

Turning off the water I looked back into the mirror. My hat was sliding down the side of my head leaving my left ear exposed for the world to see, but thankfully I was alone. Frowning I grabbed my hat pulling it off my ears poking out, the right one twitched as footsteps walked down the hall.

My ears where sensitive to hearing unless there covered, it was at times very annoying but it was also useful.

I ran my fingers though my messy hair straightening it out, with a long tired sigh I gave up and placed my hat back on hiding my ears before someone came in and freaked out.

I wanted to slip my pants off so I could freely move my tail, it hurt so bad being cramped up and twisted even more to have to sit on it. My pain was a never ending story. No matter where I was I had to go though pain and I was tired of it.

Groaning I grabbed my bag off the floor throwing it over my shoulder and walking out of the bathroom and into the silent hall in search for room 58.

After walking up and down the empty halls, not a soul in site I finally found my class on the first floor at the end of a dark hallway. Twenty minutes late, I should of just skipped..with a gulp I decided to just do it and get it over with, so I grabbed the door handle and pulled opening the door.

I wasn't going to let myself cry this time, I can do this..
With that in mind I took a heavy step forward my legs feeling like jello, my heart racing I slowly made my way across the silent room to the large wooden desk that sat in the corner. I didn't even bother looking at the students as I reached her desk.

She looked up at me a soft smile spreading across her pink lips, she was a bit biggish wearing a dark blue flowered dress and blue earrings to match. Her cheeks where a rosy red while her blue eyes where covered with black glitter eye shadow.
Her black hair was in a messy bun with a white almost yellow looking headband pulling her bangs back a few strands hung in her pale face.
She blew them away as her eyes met mine.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" Her voice was soft, calming my racing heart a little.
"Oh, um I'm new.." I said as I pulled my schedule out handing it to her.
She took it as she pulled out thick black glasses placing them on her face her eyes roaming over the paper.

"Oh yes, Yuki is it?" She asked looking back at me. I nodded. "why are you so late hun?"

"I was just lost, I'm sorry." She nodded handing me back the schedule. "I see, well in that case I won't give you a tardy and the fact that you're new.." She smiled. But don't be late tomorrow, or I'll have to give you a tardy." Nodding I stuffed the paper back onto my pocket.

Don't bully me (BXB) (DISCONTINUED) (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now