New school

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Uncle Max stood outside by his red jeep, Alex and Maggie walked ahead of me as he greeted them with a good morning and a bright smile. When his eyes fell on me they turned cold and his smile turned into a sneer.

I tried my best to ignore the pain that filled my heart, my eyes fell to the ground as I opened the passenger door and slid in shutting the door beside me. Alex sat beside me putting his seat belt on, Maggie jumped into the front seat opening the mirror and messing with her makeup. Uncle max jumped in and started the car.

"So you guys ready for your first day of school?" Knowing he wasn't talking to me I stayed silent and glared out the tinted window. "Of course daddy! I can't wait, I just hope Yuki doesn't ruin it for me." Maggie said turning in her seat to glare at me.

With a soft sigh I reached in my bag grabbing my black beanie and placing it over my head covering my ears then grabbing a book from my bag trying to block them out as I begun to read. I loved reading it's what kept me sane...but for how long? Sighing at the thought I turned my gaze up at the morning sky..

Max finally backed out of the drive way after there conversation had come to an end filled with laughter from Maggie and Alex. We drove down the neighborhood street some kids a little younger then us walking to what I guessed was the bus stop..maybe I should start taking the he wouldn't let me do that.

Sometimes...more like all the time I wish I could just pack a bag and run away forever never to return to this hell hole...but the thought that beat running away from a long shot was dying. No I'm not emo or suicidal...well maybe a tiny bit but I could finally be at peace and maybe if God did exist then maybe he'd understand and forgive me..or at least let me see my parents one last time before sending me to hell.

We stopped at a red light as another car pulled up beside us, it was a blue bug reminding me of the picture I saw of my mom and dad standing in front of there bug. Scanning the car I noticed a little boy staring at me though the widow a big grin on his face as he started to wave. I gave him a small smile as they drove off when the light turned green. Max took a right and soon after we pulled up to a huge building what I assumed was the school.  

Cars and teens filled the parking lot going in every direction. My eyes grew wide as I looked around. There were so many kids! I've never been to such a large school before. I suddenly started feeling the butterflies deep in my tummy making me feel sick.

Maybe this one will be different.. Yet something told me otherwise. I was always bullied in my last schools no matter how hard I'd try to be someone else it never what would make this school, these kids any different?
No one wanted to be friends with me the weirdo the loser...that's all I was and always will be to everyone. As much as it should bother me it didn't, usually I would be hurt and crying my eyes out of the simple fact I'd always be the weirdo and never have friends, but I guess I just got use to the loneliness and didn't care nor try anymore.

Maggie was bouncing in her seat like a little kid about to get a ice cream cone a big smile on her face as she stared at all the people. Alex was digging in his bag making sure he had everything he needed and with a quick nod he zipped it up and grabbed onto the door handle ready to bolt out.

They all looked excited, everyone but me..who was truly terrified.

The car finally stopped behind a line of other cars dropping off there own kids. The two doors of the jeep flew open expect mine. Maggie gave Max a quick hug and kiss before running off into the crowd of kids. Alex told him a quick good bye before also running off behind Maggie leaving me behind with uncle Max who glared at me from the review mirror.

I didn't want to get out...I rather go back home and into my room were I felt somewhat safe...I was scared and feeling sicker by the second. "You better get out now boy, I have shit to do! and so help me God if you make me late I'll beat your ass raw after school! Now get the fuck out of my car!"

Don't bully me (BXB) (DISCONTINUED) (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now