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(Srry, I was planning to have this up before 5pm, but it's up now so yay me! I'll update soon depending on the votes and comments! Thx to all who have been voting and commenting on every chapter or every other chap! It means a lot! Xoxo!)


He was here, his sent filling the cold damp air, my pace quickened as the smell got stronger and was such a beautiful smell.

My paws digging into the cold earth as I ran the rain poring down stronger then last time.

As I got closer another scent stronger then Yuki's filled the air taking away the beautiful smell that filled my nose and replaced by a disgusting scent that belonged to Mark, The alpha's younger brother.

My blood boiling I let out a growl that seemed to shake the earth beneath my paws.

If he touched Yuki in anyway I would make sure to kill him slowly and painfully!

Though I knew that was a lie since I didn't have the heart to kill my ex best friend I still felt the feeling to do it.

Yuki was more to me then a friend, he meant more then a brother he was all I think about...I feel lonely when he's not with me...and even though we've only spent maybe not even a full day together I still felt in love and the thought of him being hurt filled me with rage.

Stupid, and silly thinking..I didn't even know the guy, and yet I was needing him by my side. He was a Neko something I was always told was evil and to stay away if I ever ran into one, but it was very unlikely that one would ever cross my path.

And here I was trying to save one from my alpha.

How stupid I was, but madly In love.

Sighing at my pathetic self I closed my eyes the scent that belonged to Mark getting stronger with every step I took.

A snap from a twig had me jumping my eyes snapping open turning sharply to my right to the source of the sound. There In front of me stood a wolf as black as night and eyes the colour of blood.

His teeth baring a growl forming in the back of his throat as he took a step toward me. He was expecting me to back down but that would never happen...I was stronger then him and he knew it.

"Why are you here!?" He growled taking another step.

"For Yuki." I replied back staying in my place, I didn't want to fight him...but I will if needed. "Where is he Mark?" I asked only for him to smirk like it was a big joke to him.

Trying to keep from blowing up and ending his stupid life I took a deep breath before asking again. "Mark....where the hell is Yuki!?" Okay so I didn't ask nicely but at least I'm not tearing his throat out!

Taking another step he laughed before his face grew serious his eyes clouded with hatred. "He's going to die, but since where best friends I'll let you watch the first Neko in ten years to die by our hands! Won't it be great!?"

The hell he will!

"If you lay one finger on him I'll-" A loud annoying laugh cut me off. "Oh, we'll I already did lay a finger on him...maybe more then a couple..."

That's it! I couldn't hold it anymore no matter how hard I tried! Before I could stop myself I was in the air landing on top of him snapping at his neck.

A high-pitched, piercing cry filled the silent sky as worm blood splashed onto my face and rushed into my mouth.

It wasn't enough, the words that came from his dirty evil disgusting mouth filled my head repeating itself over and over anger and rage taking complete control as my teeth dug them selves deeper into his neck violently shaking my head back and forth until my ex best friend laid limp in my grasp.

I snapped back to reality my anger slowly draining my heartbeat slowing as I begun to fully understand what just happened. My eyes wide panic filling my body replacing the anger.

It suddenly felt cold, very cold chills running down my spine as I stared down at the lifeless body In front of me. His wolf gone his naked pale body covered in blood and mud laid still on the ground.

His eyes frozen with fear the once blue colour full of life was replaced with a dull blue with no life what so ever.

I had killed my once best friend and the alphas younger brother.

His blonde hair soaked with his blood, his neck torn apart.

Tears escaped my eyes making my vision blurry as I stared down at him.

How could I...I killed my friend, a pack member, my alphas brother.

Slowly I turned away not wanting to look at him anymore.

My bones snapping as I turned back into my human form I walked away my eyes clouded with tears as I tripped over rocks and large sticks that sat in my path.

I knew after tonight, after everything I was no longer apart of the pack, I was nothing but a rogue now....

Slowly stepping over peddles and large logs that sat in my path I came across a large door that sat on the earth. Was this what William was talking about?

Slowly I reached down grabbing the handle and twisting until I heard a loud click, before pulling it open I took a quick look around making sure no one was watching me.

My eyes fell on something laying on the ground a few feet from where I stood.

It didn't look like a animal it was to big, my eyes still blurry from the tears and the hard rain. I squinted my eyes trying to see it a little better and that's when I noticed the black hair ears poking from its head.

A pale naked body lay motionless in the mud just like Mark.

Without a second thought I was ruining toward him, toward Yuki!

"Yuki!" My voice unheard by the heavy rain as I raced toward him almost slipping on the slick mud, as I got closer inches from him I fell on my knees grabbing his cold naked body holding him close to my also naked body.

"Yuki...I'm here." I whispered gently pushing his black hair from his beautiful flawless face and slowly kissing his worm pink lips.

"Your safe now."

(Blah again not really liking the chap but that's just me...let me know how u felt about the chap...did u like did u hate??? Let mah know! PWEASE!!!!!)

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