Don't fuck with me!

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(To all my readers, please leave me a vote and comment..or me won't write anymore...:(

I love reading comments good or bad just letting me know "hey I like this book." Or " this book sucks..." Or " can't wait for the next chap..." Anything! And vote to...pwease!!!!mto everyone who has been commenting and voting thank you your the only reason I keep writing!)


He was getting closer the needle in his hand a smile on his face.

It was sickening, my tummy felt weird as my whole body shook with fear.

"I'll show should of listened, but you fucked up!" He snapped stoping in front of me.

"Your crazy!" I growled slapping at him, he dogged my slap. Grinning he grabbed my hand yanking me into his chest. "You never learn!"

I tried pushing him away only for his hold to tighten around my upper arm.

I had to do something, I don't know what's in that needle but I sure in hell didn't feel like finding out!

I did everything a normal person would do, kick, scratch, scream and....beg.

None of those worked against....what ever the hell he is.

He wasn't human, that much I know...he was stronger like ten times stronger then my uncle and the bullies I use to know...he was stronger then anything I've ever how could someone as weak as me get away from this monster?

I'm dead...there is no getting away...I should just give up and let him do whatever he wants so then maybe I'll live a little longer.

I'm such a wuss..

Tears in my eyes I pulled again trying to free my arm from his grip, it was just another fail.

Nothing worked...there's no way out even if I did get away..he would only beat me up and maybe kill me.

The only way out of this was to do what he says...

The thought made me sick...him taking total control of me....wasn't I tired of that..everyone just does as they like...making my life a living hell...I'd rather die!

With that in thought I did the only thing left to do and that was bite the shit outta him...then he may let go. Before he had time to act I dug my teeth into his arm just like last time with the lier, tho this time I did it way harder my teeth sinking into his flesh his nasty blood filling my mouth.

Pain crossed over his face as he stumbled back letting go of my arm and tripping over his feet, blood smeared all over his arm as he screamed in pain only not crying like the other guy.

This was my chance, I looked around the room trying to find something I could maybe knock him out with...and maybe find my clothes..

As I scanned the room, not seeing anything that could knock him out my eyes fell on the needle that dropped outta his grip when I bit him...

I narrowed my eyes on him making sure he was still on the ground not paying attention to me.

Good he was still caring for his arm, I took slow but big steps toward the needle that laid a few feet from us but still keeping an eye on him just incase he decides to attack.

With a sigh of relief I reached down grabbing the needle, it had reddish blue liquid in it....yep it did not what so ever look deadly...

Now with the needle in my hand I turned my attention back on him, pain still on his face and cuss words filling the room I decided this was my chance, and my last chance! So make it count Yuki!

Don't bully me (BXB) (DISCONTINUED) (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now