Falling for Yuki

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Please vote and comment, and sorry if this chap may be a bit cheesy....:( xoxo

I tried my best!


He was taking forever, it's been like over an hour. I looked down at my iPhone, yeah he's been in there for a little while now.

Sighing I got up from the love seat deciding to check on him.

The sound of the shower filled the bathroom, I assumed it would be cold by now. It got cold for me in like twenty minutes.

Gently I knocked on the door. There was no answer so I knocked a few more times. My foot tapping against the floor I reached grabbing the handle twisting, it was locked great.

"Yuki.." I called taking my hand away from the handle. Still no answer. "Yuki, can you unlock the door, you've bee in there for awhile now."

Sighing I looked around, my wallet sat on the love seat I walked over grabbing it pulling out an old credit card before making my way back to the bathroom door.

Slowly I stuck it between the door sliding it across the lock, after a few times of doing it it clicked. Smiling I reached up turning the handle. "Yuki I'm coming in." I said before walking in.

He was no where to be seen, so there's only one place.

I walked over to the shower pulling the white curtain away. Yuki lay motionless on the shower floor freezing water poring down on his body.

His eyes squeezed tightly shut as his hands slowly moved up and down his...dick..

"Y-Yuki?" His eyes shot open as soon as I spoke his name. They looked glossy and filled with fear and pain. "Yuki, what are you doing?"

His mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say. His hands slowly slipped away from his very hard and..."holy shit! Yuki what in the world did you do!?"

His eyes fell, I couldn't tell if he was crying or if it was just the freezing water.

"I..." His voice was low that it was hard to make out what he was even saying. "I, didn't do anything.."

Nodding not really believing him, I mean your dick ain't just going to be covered in blood for no freaking reason! I reached over Turing off the water.

"Yuki come on, I need to check you out."

His face became a dark red. "N-no..I'm fine.." Rolling my eyes I reached down grabbing his upper arm slowly pulling him up into my arms. "Jeez, your freezing!"

He nodded. "I'm, a bit cold." Yeah I bet weirdo. "Do you often take hour long showers in freezing water?"

He shook his head. "N-no...I'm sorry."

Shit, I'm being a dick...speaking of dicks. "Yuki what happened to your dick?"

He shook his head his hands covering his part. "I don't know..."

"Don't lie to me, Yuki it looks bad..."

Shifting in my arms he turned away from me. "It won't stop." He sobbed out.

"What won't stop, the bleeding?" He shook his head. "No, it won't stop getting....you know.." He said looking back at me as if begging for me to finish what he was saying.

"I don't know, Yuki..."

Blushing he turned away from me again. "It won't stop getting....hard." He said whispering the last part. Ohhhh...

"Okay, so you decided to go all ape on it?"

He looked back at me, his eyes filled with anger. "No! I decided I would try and help myself out, and it hurt every second and when I was done I was bleeding!"

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