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Hello, it's been awhile, I'm sorry to the 9 people who probably still read this.

(I'm salty af, fight me)  ;-;

Anyway, I'm not happy with this story; hence the reason for no update and shitty chapters. Okay, I'm done being whiny about this story. It's done, I will not update another chapter for this story, I just can't get into it anymore, and being honest this was my first real story and it's terribly sad for me to finally admit this to the  few readers that stuck was fun while it lasted. I never knew how fun a story could be to write until this one, but once a story becomes a burden it's no longer worth it, if you yourself ain't even happy with your own work. 

Yet, as said this was my first real book I'd ever written..and sure it was shit but it was baby steps...I've gotten awesome readers and followers, people who where okay with my mistakes in grammar and (autocorrect......Worms...*drinks bleach* 

Let's all face it, this book is a fucking mess! Hell I dnt even know where it's going, (yeah, okay no need to role your eyes, I'm a horrible plot planner!) 


This book is being rewritten! 

*Readers role their eyes and booooo* 

Yeah, well.....I have better plot lines and most of what happened in the original won't happen in the new! It'll be awhile before it's posted, but be sure to look out for it...the nine of you...maybe four readers? Yeah! Be ready! Same characters, new ones and a better plot! (I hope) *gets Bleach ready to drink*

Wish me luck....I guess?

Oh and P.S. The original will stay posted for the poor souls that still wanna read it...that and I'm desperate.

(Am I trying to hard?) probably....

Don't bully me (BXB) (DISCONTINUED) (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now