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Yuki POV

"Where are we going?" I yelled over the rain and wind as I was pulled deeper into the woods and further away from the warm cabin. "Hush and just- Shit!" She halted as she quickly scanned the area in front of us. "Um, what are you looking a-" she quickly slapped a hand over my mouth. "Shh." She hissed before roughly pulling me to the ground with her in a crouching position. Placing a finger to her lips she turned her eyes on the mud cupping some in her hands then slapping it onto my face making me yelp and pull away. "What the hell are you doi-" "will you shut up before you get us killed." She snapped in a low voice. "Put the mud on. All over, roll in it for all I care just get rid of you're sent." I gawked at her. "Uh I took a bath last night thank you very much!" "Shut up! Dam your annoying!" "Well your the one yelling!" She threw her hands up which in turn slapped more mud in my face.

"Your impossible! How can you not smell them? what kinda cat are you!?" Rolling my eyes I wiped the mud from my face. "Neko..." I corrected her. "Not cat you idiot." She narrowed her eyes. "Your practically a dam cat get over it and cover up you're sent before they find us...idiot." With that said she turned away from me and started to roll in the mud while I just stared. "Your crazy aren't you?" I asked which made her glare up at me... "You got a little...well a lot of shit on you're face.." I continued ignoring her glare. "And as fun as that looks I'm gonna have to pass.." I got to my feet and turned away. "Your such a moron, but fine suit yourself if your that desperate to be eaten by those wolves then by all means go."

I paused my heart skipping a beat. "Wolves!" I snapped around glaring down at her. "You didn't tell me those wolves were here!" She shrugged sitting up from her laying position. "I didn't think you where that useless that you couldn't smell wet dog in the air." She replied in a soft tone laced with announce. "Dam It well if they are here then I need to get back and warn Jasper!" She stood her hands on her hips. "Oh? Well he's probably already dead and seeing how useless you are you'll be dead in a matter of seconds.." "How can you say that about someone!? He's my friend, I'm not just going to leave him!" She turned her back towards me with another shrug she replied with  "You where slowing me down anyway..keep them busy so at least I can get away." 

I glared after her as she took off disappearing into the darkness.
Stupid bitch..
Sighing I turned the opposite way and ran as fast as my legs would go back to the cabin praying that Jasper was alright..

My breath came out in white puffs as my feet slapped against the mud it splashing onto my jeans, zigzagging passed the trees I had a sense of deja vu..but I was determined not to be beaten or get in the way..again..I didn't like feeling like a burden or having someone to lean on..I've never had it before and I sure as hell don't need it now, I've survived worse then this shit so I'm sure I can at least handle this...and if Kyle one of the wolves can be good and kind to the neko spices then why can't the others?

Finally the lights of the cabin came into view and as happy as I thought I'd be, it all crumbled beneath me as I came to a halt staring wide eyed at the busted down door and the blood that spilled across it. I took a trembling step forward feeling my heart clinch at the sudden sound of laughter that sounded oddly familiar from inside.

And then I heard it, Jasper screaming not in pain but rage and that's all I needed for my feet to start moving on there own and suddenly I was standing on the broken down door. I stared in silence at the mess of the cabin, it looked like a tornado came through destroying everything that he had called home..his first since his parents death...and now it was gone..the cabin was already old but now it looked like it was about to fall apart any minute..the walls had holes in them and a bit of blood the floor was torn up and the love seat wasn't even a love seat any more. The manga books where scarred all over the floor and standing in the middle of the room stood a very angry looking Jasper who hasn't even seemed to notice me yet, and a girl with long blonde hair stood feet from me her back towards me as a chuckle slipped from her lips that again sounded familiar.

Jasper's POV

Rage, hate, disgust and sadness was felling my heart all at once. I wanted to kill her, to watch the life leave her eyes just as I watched the life leave my best friends eyes just seconds ago. She frowned with a shrug. "Awe, dang did I kill you're little rodent? Oops my bad." Everything that told me not to hurt her, to not kill her vanished instantly as rage took over my mind blocking everything else out.

Bubble's may of been a mouse, something other people wouldn't care much about if he died or not..but...but for me he was my very first friend, the only living thing that's ever been there for me, that's pulled me from suicide many times that's gave me someone to talk to...he was more then a mouse to me..he was my friend, and the only reason I'm where I'm at today.

Without thinking I raced forward, my mind and body couldn't wait to feel her flesh under me as I tore her apart and listened to her screams.
She got into a fighting position but not expecting it when I suddenly bent down kicking her hard in the knee making it buckle. With a hiss of pain she fell back giving me the perfect opportunity to pin her down and tear her throat out!

Before I could dig my teeth in she kicked hard sending me flying back into the loveseat taking my breath away, she was up and running towards me a wide grin spread across her face. She swiped her long nails at me almost taking out my eyes if not for rolling out of the way jumping back to my feet I jumped towards her my nails digging into her right shoulder as deep as they could go before tearing it out across her arm sending blood across the floor and her letting out a screech of pain. "You fucking bad-" before she could finish I twisted around kicking her hard in the stomach sending her flying back towards the door where her shoulder bled out. 

"You fucking bitch! You killed Bubbles!" More rage filled me my blood boiling as her laughter rung though the cabin. "You mean the rodent!?" She laughed sitting up holding her torn shoulder. "How pathetic!" Grinding my teeth hands clenched I took a step forward. "I'm going to enjoy killing you!" I sneered as she stood up a sinister smile spread across her face her eyes dark and deep and looking as cold as winter. "Oh is that so?" Her voice sent shivers down my spine.

Before I could react she came at me in almost lighting speed hitting me square in the chest sending me into the nearest wall breaking the weak wood apart as it crashed down on me. Groaning in pain I slowly pushed the heavy wood away and stood on shaky feet feeling a trail of blood run down my forehead. "Oh still alive? Good cause I was really wanting to kill you slowly..I mean look what you've done to my beautiful shoulder!" Glaring at her I stood as straight as possible but again she moved my eyes barely able to follow her and suddenly I was hit again in the back sending me face first into the love seat and before I could stand she fell on top of me her high heels digging into my back and with a strong stomp her heel broke though the skin and the pressure ended up making the legs that held the chair up break to where it was leaning in a awkward position. "" I groaned.

My body was ready to give up as pain filled me but the sight of blonde made me think differently, I had to do this for Bubbles the stupid BITCH killed my friend! My arm snapped out from underneath me my hand grabbing a handful of hair and immediately I tightened it as I wrapped her hair around my hand making her cry out as I pulled as hard as I could making her tumble to the floor with a yelp. Her hair still twisted around my hand I slowly stood and with my other hand I grabbed another handful of hair pulling her head into my incoming knee over and over until blood soaked the floor underneath her head, after I was satisfied with that I took a step back her hair slipping from my hands and bringing my foot up kicking her underneath the chin sending her back with a gasp of pain.

With hazy eyes I stood trying to keep from falling, I wanted to kill her now but my body wouldn't move I felt sick and paralyzed by pain. Slowly she stood and after a minute of silence she begun laughing like a crazy person. "All over a stupid worthless rodent!"
I screamed in rage feeling all the anger return and yet my body wouldn't move! She laughed again. "So worthless."
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