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Yuki's POV

I didn't really think much about Kyle not being in the meeting place while hanging out with Louis at lunch who seemed to have many stories to tell. Although it was a little awkward at first I ended up feeling more comfortable the more I found that we had stuff in common which was always a good thing.

When the bell rung letting us know lunch was over is when I remembered Kyle, he didn't show up and the more I thought of it the more worried I got. Jumping up I threw the tray of food away about to bolt to the door in search for Kyle but was suddenly stopped by a hand on my wrist pulling me back. "Are you okay?" Louis asked. 

I turned to him with a frown. "Yeah just remembered something. Sorry but I gotta go see you later." With that I pulled my hand out of his grip and ran out leaving a confused Louis behind.

The halls as usual where full when I really wished they weren't. I quickly made my way back to the bathroom bumping into people on the way, I hoped maybe Kyle was in there, but I wasn't going to hold my breath. When I made it to the bathroom I walked in to find it full of guys, how convenient. With a huff I turned to leave but froze as a hand slapped onto my shoulder yanking me around.

Eyes wide I started into a familiar blue ones, shaggy blonde hair and tannish skin. "Alex..." I breathed out. He only stared with another guy behind him looking confused while everyone else made there way out before the bell rung leaving me alone with Alex and probably his friend. "W-how?" He asked his voice a low whisper. "Who is this Alex?" The guy behind him asked looking from me to Alex. He didn't answer as he stared at me with disbelief. "Dad...he's been looking for you.." At the mention of Max I shook my head trying to pull away from his grip only for it to tighten. "You need to come home." "NO!" I screamed stomping down on his foot making him yelp his grip loosening enough for me to yank away and turn and run out away from the bathroom away from him! I needed to find Kyle and get outta here I've already had enough of this place!

"Hey!" Yelled out a voice from behind, I came to a stop turning to face who ever it was, the voice had sounded familiar. "You're uh...." He paused to think as he came to stand in front of me. "Yuki..." I answered for him rolling my eyes. "Oh yeah that was you're name! You're the kid who was with Kyle right?" He asked. I studied him for a minute trying to remember who he was and where I've seen him.. "I'm Jarred the guy that came over when you, I guess got hurt or something." He said running his hands though his red hair. "Oh." Is all I said as I looked behind him towards two figures walking towards us. Panicked I turned back to Jarred. "Have you seen Kyle!?" He looked confused at my sudden panic, he turned to where I was just looking to see Alex and his friend fast approaching. "You in a rush?" He asked turning back to me. I only nodded.

"Yuki!" Shouted Alex making me take a step back. "Dude have you seen him or not!?" Narrowing his eyes he gave me a short nod. "Yeah a few minutes ago, he was going to English second floor room 106 I think.." Without another word I turned and ran down the hall towards the stairs.

"No running!" A teacher called out as I ran passed, I didn't bother to slow down instead I ran faster until I reached the steps taking a breath I took a glance behind me hoping that I lost them, hopefully Jarred caught on that I was running from them and maybe stopped them but I wouldn't give my hopes up, with a sigh I ran up the steps two at a time until I reached the top and then I decided to just walk the rest of the way giving myself a rest with deep breaths I looked over every door number hoping I'd find it quickly.

Alex POV
"Move!" I snapped pushing the idiot outta my way he turned grabbing my arm bringing me to a stop. "Why are you bullying people, he obviously doesn't want you around him." Growling under my breath turned around quickly bringing my fist down hitting him right side of his head making his head jerk to the side before falling to the floor, he glared up at me wiping blood from his busted lip. "Fucking dick." He sneered getting back to his feet. Signing I turned my eyes on Billy. He seemed to understand and gave me a nod his fist tightening at his side before unexpectedly hitting the red headed kid in the stomach making him gasp as he went to one knee outta breath.

Don't bully me (BXB) (DISCONTINUED) (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now