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Sorry for short chapte. Hope you like it...please vote and comment. Xoxo


The cold air from the slam of the door reached me making me shiver. Jasper sat quietly chewing at his nails, the mouse sat watching me with big eyes. 

I let out a heavy sigh as I ran my hand though my hair that was wet with sweat. I needed a bath...the sound made Jasper look up, his eyes filled with regret as he mumbled a apology. I nodded with a forced smile. I knew it wasn't his fault. He didn't know Yuki didn't know what and who I really was, I had no one but myself to blame. 

"It's fine Jasper, not your fault." He had his long tail In his hands picking at the hair..his eyes looking down at the floor. "Um, should go after know?" I nodded. "Planning on it." With that I turned walking to the door as Jasper mumbled what sounded like "Good luck." I'll need it. I thought to myself as I reached the door yanking it open and closing it behind me. 

I had expected to have to hunt Yuki down but was surprised when I found him sitting against my awesome car looking towards the dark woods. 

swallowing what seemed like a lump I took in a shaky breath before quietly walking down the couple steps, my hands shoved into my pockets of my jeans as I neared him, his didn't seem to even notice my presence so I cleared my throat to get his attention and yet he didn't even turn to me or jump from the sudden noise, he just sat there staring into the darkness like a weirdo. 

A few minutes went by, as I too leaned on the car my arms crossed over my chest as a shiver from the cold wind blew against me. 

A sniffle met my ears, I turned to Yuki who still didn't bother to look at me. I was about to say something but he beat me at it with a simple question that came out as a low whisper that I barely heard. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

It was simple, why would I tell him after everything that's happened? As simple as the question was I found it a bit stupid. 

Shrugging I turned my eyes to the star filled sky. "I guess for the same reason you tried to hide who you where...I was scared." 

I could feel Yuki's eyes on me now but I kept my eyes upward, I haven't looked at the night sky very often, it was actually really beautiful when there weren't street lights everywhere making it almost impossible to see the beauty in the night sky. What a shame. 

"I just...well, never thought you'd be one of them.." Finally I took my eyes away from the sky and looked at Yuki his big green eyes looking up at me with such seriousness that I'd never seen before..."well like I've said can't help who you are and what you are. Just like you can't help being a Neko I can't help being a werewolf..I didn't choose to be this..Yuki you of all people should understand that." 

He looked down bitting his lower lip. "I-I do understand Kyle..." I sighed with a small smile. "But.." My smile fell with a roll of my eyes. "I'm just...scared I guess.." 

"Yuki that's understandable, you've already been though hell and back with Wolves..but I would never hurt you. I killed Mark, I left my pack and even dared to challenge my Alpha for you...Yuki I'll never let them hurt you again, I've always came for you and I gave up everything to keep you can trust me.." 

His face softened and his lips curved into a small smile that seemed to brighten up his cute face. "I'm sorry Kyle..for everything..I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble. To get in the way of your family..but...thank you for everything." 

Slowly I pushed myself off the car and stepped in front of him, he stood at my chest so I had to look down his little cat ears twitched as he looked up at me eyes scanning me as if waiting to see what I'd do. 

Reaching up I gently grabbed his chin, his lips parted as he was about to question me but before he could speak I pressed my lips against his soft wet ones. 

My tongue slid across his bottom lip making him open his mouth a little, but enough for me to slip my tongue in his warm mouth, my tongue met his as they circled each other, a small moan left Yuki's mouth as he was pressed hard against my car his arms wrapping around my neck as I depend the kiss...I never wanted this to just felt so perfect. I needed this, I wanted this..I wanted him. 

Sadly I pulled away taking in a deep breath of air him doing the same as his eyes roamed over my face his mouth slightly open. "Yuki..." I whispered as my fingers rubbed against his red cheek. "W-will you be my boyfriend?" 

His green eyes grew wide with shock and even tears as a gasp left his mouth. 

Nervously I took my hand away afraid I had said something wrong or maybe the question wasn't what he'd expected. My mind racing with thoughts of anything I did to make him cry I was surprised when he suddenly jumped on me his legs hugging my stomach and his arms tightly wrapped around my neck as he nodded. 

His wet face buried into my neck as he cried out a "Yes!" 

Something in me suddenly came alive, something I've never felt before like a fire suddenly burning in my stomach the heat racing to my racing heart and though out the rest of my body. Quickly I wrapped my arms around him keeping him in place, his tail hit my left leg making me smile as I dug my head into his neck giving it small kisses making him giggle. "Thank you.." He whispered into my ear.


Sorry for the wait, and I hope this chap is worth the wait. 

I didn't really like this chap but I guess it will have to do, can't believe I actually made it this far with a's actually almost complete and it's thanks to all my readers, voters and most of all the people who's left me comments! Thank you all! 

This story has a lot of flaws, with details, emotions and grammar...but I'm approving thanks to all of you who help me when I make mistakes. :) 

I hope all of you enjoyed this chap and the lovey part was to me anyway a bit BLAH could of been better. 

Anyway PLEASE COMMENT & VOTE!!!! Please!!  <3 xoxo

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