New friend?

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Please vote & comment! Pic of Louis! ^


Yuki POV

I wanted nothing more then to run to wherever Kyle was, my heart was freaking out and my nerves where all over the place. Even though I kept my head low and eyes on the desk staring at a blank piece of paper I could feel eyes on me and I could hear what some whispered to each other. It was stressful and to think I did all of this for my crazy boyfriend, well I guess I was the crazy one for accepting to come back to this hell hole.

"Yuki?" My thoughts where broken as Mr. William called my name a questioning look on his face. "Do you need help with the assignment?" I looked from him to the paper then back to him my face burning with embarrassment as I resized I was just sitting here staring off like a weirdo. A few chuckles reached my eras and I quickly lowered my head with a simple "No, sir." He went back to what he'd been doing before and I decided to draw instead of doing the assignment, I mean it was like he expected me to catch up in a few minutes when I've been gone for at least a month or two. His help wouldn't help at all, and honestly I didn't care for my grade I was here for Kyle though I don't know why since we didn't even have any classes together, well besides the last class of the school day...

With a soft sigh I waited for the bell to ring which seemed to be taking forever, I kept glancing at the clock and every time I did it seemed like a second had only passed which had me more annoyed with this whole situation. I could be home with Jasper right now, but no I was sitting in this stupid class with satan's spawn's.

I jumped as a finger tapped me on the shoulder. looking over I stared at Sarah. Her red hair pulled back, big blue eyes glaring daggers at me she handed me a note. Great we were doing this again, more with the dam notes and threats. With a sigh I took the note from her grasp, she turned back to her paper and I unfolded the piece of paper.

"Meet me after school by the girl's bathroom on the second floor.."

Rolling my eyes I grabbed my pencil and scribbled back a reply. "Yeah, no thanks. Don't feel like getting jumped today but thanks for the invitation, I'll pass." And with that I folded it up and tossed it over it hitting her head before dropping to the desk making her gasp and glare over at me making me shrug as I went back to my drawing.

Finally the bell rung, I packed up my stuff in my bag and practically ran for the door ignoring Mr. William as he asked for my paper on our lesson, which I'd probably hear about tomorrow. I sped walked down the hall not even knowing where I was going or not even caring for that matter, that was until I bumped into someone, that someone being the one person I hate but missed more then anything and it's only been an hour.

"Kyle!" I said with a wide smile as I swung my arms around his neck my hat almost slipping off from the sudden motion but before it did Kyle reached up pulling it tight over my head and with a smile his lips crashed against mine, it had surprised me that he didn't feel embarrassed by being by my side even though I was still hated for something I didn't do, yeah I bit the guy but never did I stab him, that the same thing? Agh, I don't know but either way he was a Lier cause I was only protecting myself, but I was more surprised that he was okay with kissing me in the middle of a busy hall way with another boy.

"Fags!" I heard from somewhere behind but still I reacted by kissing him back full force, even though I hated the unnecessary attention I couldn't help it, not when something so beautiful was kissing me like this, someone who stayed at my side and saved me from myself, my very first friend, first boyfriend and everything else...he was my world and honestly when by his side I could careless of what others thought and even I was surprised at my confidence, well it'd probably go away once me and Kyle separated and went to our own classes which I dreaded, and just like that he pulled away making me whimper. His blue eyes locked with my green one's. "Let's go home..." I whispered leaning against him, he let out a sigh. "We can't Yuki...I mean you can but I can' dad wants me here in school I can't disobey him."

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