Tear me down

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Life was hard, it was sometimes very difficult to just go on another day.

Feeling like your breaking down by every second, words filled with hate being thrown at you from every direction..no friends or family to confront you..just all alone with your thoughts.

That's how I felt every second of everyday...just barely making it by...

I was a piece of glass that was on the edge of breaking into a million pieces.

But then...out of the darkness came a light...a beautiful light that was worm and comforting. Kyle had saved me, just by talking to me..looking at me like I wasn't a freak when he found out about my ears, when he held me in his arms...when he befriended me...a total stranger. And then I met Jasper, he saved me and took me under his wing trying to keep me safe, yet again another stranger...and I can't forget about Jerry...he was there when I was beginning to give up...but he had kept me strong.

And then I begun to think something I never thought I'd ever think about...That Maybe...just maybe...God didn't hate me as much as I thought.

That maybe I wasn't so alone, and maybe I could have friends...


I walked along side Jasper who kept a watchful eye out, snapping his head at everything that made a noise. My legs shot with pain with every step I took, the bones begging for rest. We've been walking ever since we where chased down by that thing...and I could of swore I've seen it before, yet for some odd reason it had different eyes. I don't mean the color of the beast but the way it looked at us..

The one I encountered, it's eyes where filled with lust and at times anger..but that one's eyes where filled with nothing but hate just like uncle Max's eyes. Cold and empty.

It terrified me knowing something so big and evil was about to kill us, and may be on our trail this minute.

Yet with all that in mind, I couldn't stop the smile that spread over my face. The way Jasper acted so skittish was just a bit amusing to me. Don't get me wrong I understand his reasoning, it's just the fact that he actually looks like a cat the way he jumps like four feet in the air while screaming like a girl..

He turned to me with a glare. "Oh you think it's funny!? You don't know how that thing was eyeing my sexy butt." He said patting his butt. "This right here is precious! And I mean look at it!" Smiling I raised a brow. "Oh yeah, that's totally what he wanted, your precious ass.." He nodded in agreement. "And that Yuki is why I have to keep an eye out...he can't...just can't have my booty...it's mine!" He then begun to short like an idiot. "YOU HEAR ME IT'S MINE!!!"

Rolling my eyes I stopped him bumping into me. "Yeah just let him know where we are." He rose his hands in surrender. "Well gotta let him know who's boss right?" I rolled my eyes before walking again.

After leaving the fancy neighborhood we went into the woods sitting at the end of the street. Jasper decided it'd be a good ideal, while I thought it was the worst ideal he had came up with, but I couldn't really complain, I mean I am free...but also probably like a couple days away from death...how am I not dead yet?

The sound of dry leaves crackling under our feet filled the air.

It seemed to take everything outta me just to take one step, but I had to keep going even if there was really no where to go.

The sound of growling had me jumping back into Jasper. His head was turning in every direction eyes wide with fear but my eyes stared ahead of me where I could of sworn I saw blood red eyes in the shadows. I tried to speak but suddenly lost my voice as something big and black walked outta the shadows into full view.

Don't bully me (BXB) (DISCONTINUED) (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now