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It took only a few hours for Jongho to find something big enough to keep Wooyoung in. He bought a trough from a farmer just outside of town and brought it back to his condo to start filling with water.

After talking for about an hour or so, it was decided that Wooyoung would be safer there. Jongho had taken precautions to cover his face, but they weren't sure if San would be recognizable or not. Because of that, and because he refused to leave Wooyoung, San wanted to quit his job.

"That would be foolish." Yeosang said. "They would know right away if you had something to do with it. No, you need to keep going to work, at least for a little bit. We can come up with an excuse for you to quit in the meantime."

"I can't waste time with that!" San exclaimed. He stood up from where he had been sitting next to the tub and clenched his fists. "I have to be here for Wooyoung!"

Water sloshed behind him and San turned to see Wooyoung staring down at his hands. "It's not like I can go anywhere." He said softly.

San felt his chest tighten at the merman's words and knelt next to him. "That's not what I-"

"I know. But... If the ocean really is as far away as you say, it's going to be some time before I'm able to travel. And..." Wooyoung started to tremble a little. "We can't risk them hurting any of us. Please." He looked up with round eyes and reached out to take San's hand.

"Ok." San said immediately. "Ok. I'll go."

Yeosang placed a hand on his shoulder. "And you know I'll be here for him. I can afford to miss some classes. Ravn can get me any coursework I may need."

Wooyoung perked up at the name and looked around the bathroom as if Ravn would appear.

"Don't worry." Yeosang said quickly. "They won't see you, especially once we get you over to Jongho's. I don't think they'd say anything, but I'd rather not risk it."

"Thank you." Wooyoung squirmed in place a little and flicked his tail. The end of it slapped against the tiled floor with a heavy thud.

"Ok, so what? We move Wooyoung to Jongho's, let him heal up, and then leave?" San pursed his lips. "I don't like it."

"I know, but what else are we supposed to do?" Yeosang leaned against the door and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Is there anything that can speed up the healing process for you?" He looked over San's shoulder at Wooyoung.

The merman shook his head. "No. If I were home it would be different, but I'm too far away from the magic. I'm sorry to be such a burden."

"You're not." San shook his head and squeezed Wooyoung's hand. "We are going to figure this out, I promise."

With that decision in place, they waited for Jongho's text to work on moving Wooyoung. Yeosang grabbed his tail and draped it over his shoulder like he had seen Jongho do, while San cradled Wooyoung in his arms.

He would be lying if he said he didn't love the feeling, especially with the merman's arms wrapped around his neck and Wooyoung's nose pressed against his neck.

They worked quickly to get him in the back seat of the car. Thankfully Jongho didn't live that far away, only about twenty minutes, and he was ready and waiting when they pulled up.

"I've got it set up in my spare room." He grunted while getting a grip on Wooyoung's tail. "I don't know how we are supposed to filter it though."

"I can do that." Wooyoung lifted his head from San's shoulder. "It will take a little bit of magic, but I think I have enough strength to do that much."

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