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The hardest thing San had ever done, besides leaving Wooyoung behind on the beach, was leaving Wooyoung behind when he had to finish his job for the night.

He left promising to be back soon and only received a solemn nod in return, which made him feel even worse, but he needed to avoid raising any kind of suspicion.

It was difficult for San to attempt to finish his job for the night anyway. He kept constantly checking his phone, counting down the minutes until he could run out of there to talk to Yeosang.

When his shift was almost over, the morning security guard greeted him and was immediately pulled aside by Mr. Choi to debrief him. San stood rooted to the spot for along moment just staring at the door they had vanished through.

There was no stopping this now...

The moment he could finally clock out, San bolted out the front door and ran straight to where he knew Yeosang kept the car parked. He slammed into the side of it, bracing himself with his arms, and knocked on the window, which Yeosang rolled down.

"What are you doing?"

"No... time..." San tried to inhale but he was breathing too hard from running. "Park... hurry..."

Yeosang hesitated for a moment, but then pulled away and drove the main parking lot. He jogged over to where San was doubled over and still trying to catch his breath. "Are you ok? What's going on?"

San didn't waste any time answering him. He grabbed Yeosang's hand and yanked him forward as he ran back toward the aquarium.

"San!" Yeosang gasped but didn't put up any kind of a fight.

The younger flashed his badge at the door, foregoing the need for either of them to purchase a ticket to get in because the doors had opened mere moments ago.

He wove through the people filling in, ignoring the sounds of protest from anyone who had to step aside, and kept dragging Yeosang behind him until they got to the entrance of the new shark tunnel, which was where he slid to a stop.

The tunnel seemed to zoom out and get longer the more he stood there, but he suddenly didn't quite know what to say.

Yeosang squeezed his hand and leaned forward to catch his eye. "San? What's going on? You're scaring me."

"You don't even know the half of it." He mumbled. "Sangie... What you're about to see..." He choked on his words and shook his head. "I can't...

"San, whatever it is, I'm sure it's going to be ok."

The younger started shaking his head. "N-No... It's not." He placed a hand over his heart and gripped Wooyoung's scale. "S-Sangie..."

"Ok, take a deep breath. What is going on?"

"It's better just to show you... Hurry, before this place is swarming with people." San swallowed the lump in his throat and the pair of them started walking down the tunnel.

He kept his eyes peeled and noticed a flash of purple near the end of the tunnel. It made his heart skip a beat and he started to walk faster. When the area opened up into the large dome, he quickly scanned the area and was happy to see that no one had made their way here yet before running to the side and scanning the tank.

"Wow, so this is the new exhibit? What's in here?" Yeosang turned in a slow circle to take in the entire area.

But San only had eyes for the merman swimming toward him.

Wooyoung glanced around with a worried look before settling down in front of San while placing his hands on the glass.

"Oh my god!" Yeosang gasped behind him and clapped a hand over his mouth. "San?! What the fuck?"

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