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San's hand shook as he buttoned up his uniform, or attempted to at least. He was having a hard time getting the buttons through the hole. Sweat gathered on his forehead. His nerves were out of control...

"I can't do this." He said, looking at where Yeosang was sitting on his bed watching him with concern. "I can't. They are going to find out."

"San, you need to calm down and act like everything is normal." Yeosang said once again. He had been repeating the same thing since last night but San was sure neither one of them really heard the words.

"What if they put me through a test? Or what if they already know it's me?"

"If they did, then they would have showed up here or called you in. Same with Jongho."

San closed his eyes and dropped one had to his side. The other one slipped inside of his still open shirt to grasp Wooyoung's scale. It was still just as purple as the day he'd received it, unlike the merman's scales now.

He didn't know if he imagined it or not, but whenever San held it like this he felt stronger. And this time it helped calm him down.

Saying goodbye to Wooyoung earlier that morning had been almost harder than saying good bye to him a t the beach. He hated leaving Jongho's house knowing that the merman was going to be there without him. And it wasn't that he didn't trust Jongho to take care of him. But... he wanted to be able to do that himself.

After taking a long, deep breath, San released the scale and finished buttoning up his shirt with no problems.

Yeosang walked over to hand him his belt. "You can do this. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for." He said with a gentle voice.

"Thanks, Sangie. I don't know what I'd do without you."

The older snorted and took a step back. "Probably be dead in a ditch somewhere."

"I don't doubt that." San couldn't help but laugh. The statement probably held more truth to it than what he would ever admit. If it wasn't for Yeosang, he didn't know where he'd be in life, but he had a guess it would probably have a lot to do with drugs or alcohol to try and forget the thoughts of how useless he was.

San paused when that thought crossed his head. It was the first time he had ever felt that since meeting Wooyoung. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he realized just how much Wooyoung had changed him in the short time they knew each other.

It just strengthened his resolve. He would do whatever he could to protect the merman.

With a nod, both he and Yeosang walked to the car. The drive was silent but comfortable, and San was grateful when Yeosang took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before he left.

Everything looked normal on the outside and San was able get into the building just fine. His eyes flicked back and forth in quick motions as he tried to take in everything at once.

Scientists walked in groups scanning their clipboards and talking quickly about whatever project they were working on. That was nothing new... A few aquarium employees walked in and out of the break room back here. That was normal too...

San licked his lips and continued to the security room. That was part of his normal routine, so he was able to keep his breathing under control. His heart was another story though... Once the door swung into the room, he immediately saw that there were more people than expected.

Jongho was there, which was a small relief, although he looked stressed. The head scientist, one of his assistants, two police officers, and Mr. Choi  were all crammed in the small room.

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