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The following day Wooyoung took his time leaving in the morning. He made sure to find both Mingi and Yunho and ask what they were doing for the day. Both said they would be busy monitoring the surrounding sharks, so Wooyoung used that as an excuse to say he would go and gather some herbs and monitor the far side.

At least it was some form of cover he could use that would seem reasonable.

His friends seemed hesitant, but they didn't argue with him knowing full well that it wouldn't matter.

Once he was dismissed, Wooyoung hurried to shore where he could change into human form and run to meet San.

He found the human waiting on the back porch looking up and down the beach with a worried expression, which quickly changed to relief once he saw Wooyoung.

Seeing San running toward him made Wooyoung pause and smile. It also filled him with a pleasant warmth that made him feel even better.

"I was starting to get worried you wouldn't come today." San admitted after pulling Wooyoung into a hug. "Especially after yesterday."

"I'm sorry, I just needed to do a couple of things this morning." Wooyoung giggled and pulled back from the hug. "What are we doing today?"

San reached up to caress his cheek right before kissing him. They both let out a small moan and pressed their bodies together, desiring the contact.

Wooyoung felt a longing filling his human body similar to yesterday and his kiss grew hungrier.

Needless to say, the couple didn't last long before they worked to find an excuse to be alone.

The next several days passed in very much the same way. Wooyoung was losing a fighting battle, he realized, but he just couldn't get enough of San.

If he wasn't with the human, or spending time with Mingi and Yunho like he was making sure he did, then he was in the library furiously trying to research something he could do to either help him chose or something that would make his decision easier.

He was slowly being torn in two...

Wooyoung didn't like the idea of leaving his home. Aquatis was magical and full of so much color and life. He loved everything about his home and the people living there. And in a way, he loved Mingi and Yunho too.

They had started dropping hints about wanting Wooyoung to join them again now that they were spending more time together, but he still didn't want to make that decision. Although the fact that his guilty conscious had him sleeping in their room and night now probably wasn't helping things.

Wooyoung also found himself looking for something that would make San stay here too...

But all he came across was legends of a sea witch rumored to be incredibly dangerous and twisted. He only found her mentioned in two scrolls and both expressed several warnings to never seek her out because she would always twist things around to benefit her.

Many merfolk had perished by her hand. It was written that she fed off the magic embedded within merfolk and used it to fuel her powers.

Things were looking hopeless...

As the weeks flew by, he noticed more and more that Yeosang and his friends were talking about the trip home and getting back to school.

San would always grow really quiet during these times and he looked visibly upset about something.

It made the merman hope it was the fact that San didn't want to leave, but there was something about the faraway look San would get whenever school was mentioned that told Wooyoung it was something else.

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