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The silence was deafening as San kept his eyes locked with the stranger.

Both were waiting for the other to speak, but San couldn't seem to find where to begin. The threat was clear as day in the man's eyes. He was not to be messed with.

San could tell that whoever this was held some kind of status. And him saying the word 'ata' confirmed his suspicions about this man being a merman like Wooyoung, for he'd heard Wooyoung say it many times.

For a moment he wondered what it meant, then the second man drew his attention when a head of bright blue hair peered around the corner. "Mingi, don't hurt him."

"Don't tell me what to do." The redhead growled, pressing San harder into the wall.

Then a sudden battle cry startled all three of them as Jongho came running from the bedroom, bat swinging wildly, with Yeosang close behind him. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!!"

The one called Mingi let go of San and stumbled backward. He threw his arms wide to protect his companion, a dark snarl curling his lips as his eyes narrowed.

Yeosang was quick to pull San behind him, shielding him from the threat in the room. "Stay back! It's three against two. We don't want to hurt you."

Mingi scoffed. "Like you could harm us. You pathetic humans know nothing." He spat on the floor and stood up straight, towering over his opponents. "Where is Wooyoung?" His deep voice rumbled, laced with venomous hostility.

"Please, everyone stop." San squirmed out of Yeosang's arms and ran between the two groups, ignoring the protests and threats it sparked. "We both want the same goal here!" He turned to face Mingi. "We want to find him too."

The other merman placed a hand on Mingi's shoulder. "Min, I think these are the friends Woo spoke of." He said softly. "Let's hear them out."

"Fine." Mingi crossed his arms, still keeping himself between San and the other male. "Speak."

San gulped, feeling very much put on the spot. How was he supposed to explain everything that had happened to Wooyoung? Or... how was he supposed to explain how much Wooyoung meant to him? It was obvious these two cared for the merman's safety too, but...

He took a deep breath. "I'm not quite sure where to begin," He said honestly.

"I think we sort of know how you met Wooyoung. On the beach, right?" The blue-haired man said. His lips twisted to the side as he spoke, showing either his displeasure or sadness at the statement, it was hard for San to tell. "And he visited you a lot?"

"Yes." San nodded.

"And he told us about being captured by humans, and how you helped him escape."

"Yes, that's all true.

"Prove it." Mingi growled.

San flinched at his harsh tone. How on earth was he supposed to prove all this?

He looked over his shoulder at his friends, seeking their guidance. Yeosang looked just as lost while Jongho was staring the mermen down.

But then the younger's eyes grew wide and he pointed to his chest.

San knew instantly what he meant and pulled out the scale Wooyoung had given him.

Both mermen gasped and froze in place. Mingi's anger swiftly faded away into... hurt? He looked like he had just heard the saddest news possible. Same with the other one. He even had tears in his eyes.

Slowly, oh so slowly, they looked at each other. Despair, anguish, utter defeat... those words flew across San's mind as he watched the pair in front of him Intertwine their fingers and lean into each other.

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