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San awoke the following morning to a light knock on the door. He groaned and draped his arm over his eyes to block out any light that was sure to follow.

And he was right. Light tried to break through the barrier seconds later and the bed next to him shifted. "Hey." Yeosang placed a hand on his leg. "How are you feeling?"

"Go away." San grumbled.

His friend snorted. "You must be feeling better. How's the side?"

"I don't know. Someone just woke me up." He sighed and went to sit up, making sure to move slow as he pushed himself off the bed. But something wasn't right...

Even the smallest of movements should have caused him some kind of discomfort. And yet... he sat up with no problem at all.

Yeosang gasped and immediately went to pull up San's shirt. "What the..."

San looked down and felt his eyes widen in shock.

All the bruising that had been there yesterday... was gone.

He pressed against his skin and there was still a little pain there, so something on the inside was still damaged, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as it should have.

"What..." Yeosang said, shaking his head. "I don't..."

"Me neither..." San looked up  at his friend. He was starting to question his own sanity now. Had yesterday all been just a bad dream that Yeosang knew about as well? If that were true... then Wooyoung wasn't real either.

The thought of that concerned San even more than the fact that his side was magically healed. Which was ridiculous because he didn't even know the boy. Why should he care if he made up someone who was adorable, yet drop dead gorgeous at the same time? Of course Wooyoung would look perfect to him if he was a figment of San's imagination.

A scowl crossed his face and San flopped back down on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Yeosang leaned over, sounding panicked.

"He wasn't real, was he?" San said with a pout.

The older paused and opened his mouth in shock. "What?"

"Wooyoung. He wasn't real, was he? This all has to be a dream." San started absentmindedly running his hand over where his skin used to be ugly shades of purple and black.

"Wow." Yeosang stood up and moved away from the bed. "Are you that desperate that THAT'S what you're concerned about?" He started to laugh while clutching his stomach.

"Hey!" San sat up again and glared at his friend. "It's not like that!"

"It totally is! You should see how red your face is right now!"

San didn't know what was worse, the fact that there was some truth to Yeosang's statement and the fact that he hadn't slept with anyone in almost a year? Or the fact that Yeosang was getting so much joy from this that he was laughing this hard.

And Yeosang hardly ever laughed like this.

It made San scowl even more as he pushed himself out of bed and walked past his friend.

There were others in the kitchen who all stopped the second they saw him. San instantly forgot most of their names, but Chan did step forward and tilt his head a little. "San? How... Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He grumbled, opening the fridge to try and get something to eat.

"How?" Jongho stepped forward from where he had been leaning against the counter. "You could barely walk yesterday!"

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