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The terrified shriek from Wooyoung pierced the night air and made everyone who could turn to look at him.

Hongjoong had just finished pulling himself out from the truck cab, with Jongho's help, when he'd heard it.

He'd also heard all the gunshots...

Fear boiled hot in his veins as he turned to see San fall over the edge of the cliff.

"H-Hey!" Jongho called, bringing his attention back to what he'd been doing, which was holding onto Jongho's legs while the boy entered the cab and worked to pull Yeosang loose from the wreckage.

The impact from Seonghwa's car had forced the entire truck to tip onto Yeosang's side. Shattered glass and shredded metal had exploded in all directions, slicing their skin.

Hongjoong knew he was bleeding in several locations, but thankfully his body's adrenaline had kicked in and he couldn't feel anything.

Yeosang, on the other hand, had a large trail of blood running down the front of his face and a few bloody spots on his arms.

He looked dazed too... So much so that he just sat there while Jongho tried to undo his seatbelt. His hand drifted back and forth, as if he were trying to unbuckle himself but his hand didn't know what to do.

"Sangie? Sangie, can you hear me?" The Jongho said, his voice strong yet still wavering a little. "Please, Sangie can you say something or take my hand?"

The truck groaned from all the movement. Hongjoong sucked in a breath and adjusted his grip again.

"Wooyoung! NO!!" Mingi called, causing Hongjoong to jerk his head up to see the prince reaching for Wooyoung at the same time Yunho started grappling with Seonghwa to protect them.

"SAN! SAN! LET ME GO! SAAAAN!!" Wooyoung clawed at Mingi's arms, doing everything he could to free himself.

All while Seonghwa was now beating Yunho into the ground...

His heart ached watching it.

"Go help them!" Jongho grunted below him, twisting to slip from Hongjoong's grasp and ease himself into the cab. "I've got him!"

Hongjoong didn't need to be told twice. He launched himself from on top of the truck, yelping when he slammed to the ground. His legs crumpled beneath him, giving way and forcing him to his knees. But he pushed himself through it and charged at Seonghwa.

Red clouded his vision, getting darker and darker each time Seonghwa's fist connected with Yunho's face.

It was easy to see that the merman had no idea how to fight in this mortal body without the power of water behind him.

Hongjoong wouldn't let him suffer anymore at the hands of that monster.

Part of his mind registered Mingi's cry of anguish and his eyes flicking up to see Wooyoung leaping over the side of the cliff, but that was merely an afterthought as he tackled Seonghwa to the ground.

They rolled twice before the older yelled at him and pinned him to the ground. "How DARE you! After EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR YOU!!"

Hongjoong roared, then jerked his head forward, connecting it with his former boss's. They both hissed with pain and shifted away.

The move didn't work like how Hongjoong had wanted, though, because it just allowed Seonghwa to stand up and start running for the cliff edge.

With another shout, Hongjoong hurried after him. "No! I won't let you hurt them anymore!"

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