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It hurt to speak. It hurt to breath. It hurt to even just exist...

But the pain was all but forgotten when Wooyoung's eyes opened to see San gazing down at him with eyes overflowing with worry and fear and... love. So much love.

Wooyoung's weak heart beat just a little faster and he managed to smile just a little. "S-Sannie." He sighed.

"I'm here. You're safe now baby." His human sobbed, bending over to kiss his forehead. "You're safe."


"Don't try to speak." San shook his head and cupped Wooyoung's cheeks. "We are headed back to the ocean. You get to go h-home."

Wooyoung didn't miss how San's voice cracked on the last word. He wanted to ask him about it, but his concentration was broken when two sobs came from next to him.

Slowly, he turned his head to follow the sound, then everything stopped.

"M-Mingi? Yunho? What..." He couldn't believe his eyes.

They were here? And human??

Yunho was the first to react, dropping to his knees and placing a hand over Wooyoung's heart in way of greeting. "San's right, don't talk Youngie. You need to focus on regaining your strength."

"Here." Mingi said, and Wooyoung took note of how weak his voice was.

There were so many questions bouncing around in his mind, he didn't even know where to begin.

But he didn't get the chance to even try.

A sudden warmth radiated in front of his prince as Mingi held up a necklace with a teardrop pendant. Wooyoung knew it was full of magic. So did his body.

Every part of him begged for the healing power inside that tiny pendant. He needed it, even with the fairies we was just starting to register were on his tail, he needed it to survive.

When he tried to reach for it, his arm only twitched uselessly at his side, showing just how weak he really was.

Jongho was the first to react, holding out his hand for the pendant and nodding when Mingi relinquished it to him. Then he set it down directly over Wooyoung's heart.

The pendant flashed bright blue at the contact, so fast it was hard to register, right before it shattered into thousands of tiny pieces.

He heard a few surprised gasps coming from somewhere in the truck, but he couldn't focus on that right now.

Through weak, fluttering eyelids, Wooyoung watched as the tiny, glowing, blue shards spun impossibly fast in the air. They spread out so that once they stopped, they pierced every inch of his body they could.

It should have been painful. He even thought he noticed San flinch in out of the corner of his eyes. Yet... it didn't.

Instead of pain, the magic filled his body with a rush of tingles that felt a lot like bubbles bursting against his skin. Only they were also bursting inside of him.

The magic had detected how dire his situation was and had chosen the fastest way to distribute itself throughout his body.

With each burst. Beneath his skin and scales, Wooyoung felt more and more of his magic, his power, his strength, his very lift coming back to him.

"Woo..." San whispered next to him, although it was really more of a gasp.

Now that he was slowly coming back, Wooyoung was able to open his eyes more. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the holes in his tail filling in again, along with the color returning to it's beautiful, vibrant purple and red.

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