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San watched in wonder as Wooyoung ran in front of him.

He still had no idea what to make of the stranger who had saved him, especially after spending the day with him.

Wooyoung was... odd... to put it kindly. He seemed almost lost, or like he wasn't given a lot of freedom growing up.

It hadn't gone unnoticed that Wooyoung had been confused and the way to excited to get a pair of shoes. And then he didn't even put them on right.

San made a mental note to ask Yeosang what he thought about things, he was usually pretty observant.

Although as soon as Wooyoung turned around to wait for him after running down the beach, San forgot all his worries. It didn't matter what kind of life Wooyoung had growing up. If he could smile like that now and still look at the world with child-like wonder, honestly that would be a gift more than anything.

It was something San wished he could still do.

"Sannie! Hurry up!" Wooyoung bounced in place and clapped his hands.

"I'm coming." San said, trying to hide the fact that he really liked it when Wooyoung called him that.

There was no questioning it. San liked Wooyoung. A lot.

Was it normal for someone to fall this quickly? He hardly even knew him.

And there was the matter that he was only here for the summer...

San's heart sank a little at the thought while shoving his hands in his pockets.

Wooyoung's smile remained contagious, though, and San couldn't help but smile back while the walked up the back steps to the house.

Inside Yeosang was pacing back and forth with a phone pressed to his ear while Chan, Jongho, and a few others watched him with amused looks.

"What's going on?" San asked.

Jongho's smile grew as his eyes followed their friend. "The tour company finally called back. Yeosang has been giving them hell for about thirty minutes now. He tried using you as more ammo but then he realized that you're fine now so there isn't much he can do with that."

"Ammo?" Wooyoung bent forward to look at Jongho.

"Yeah, um, if San was still injured then we could have filed for a lawsuit or something and they would have been in a lot of trouble. But now we can't really use that against them." Jongho shrugged and continued to watch Yeosang pace back and forth. He wasn't saying much, but his face was a shade of dark red.

Wooyoung's forehead creased with concern and he pushed his lips out in a small put. "So... San being healed is bad?" His voice was soft and quivered a little.

Both San and Jongho turned to look at him and San was horrified to see what he thought was tears starting to form. "No! No I'm very glad that I'm better!" Without thinking, San pulled Wooyoung to him.

The boy proceeded to tuck his nose into the crook of San's neck and held him tight.

San's eyes widened in shock and he gently rubbed Wooyoung's back. He glanced over at where Jongho was watching him with one eyebrow arched. The two of them just stared at each other without moving until Yeosang made a disgruntled sound that could be considered a yell of frustration.

"Those— Those— Those assholes!" Yeosang threw his phone on the couch and turned quickly to face the others, but then he froze. "What's wrong?!"

"Sounds like the new kid thought that San getting better was a bad thing." Chan shrugged before standing and stretching his arms above his head. "No luck?"

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