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Yunho was completely exhausted as he sank to the floor of his bedroom. It was the first night he'd been home in nearly a week...

All o this time had been spent looking for their missing pod members. The need to find Wooyoung drove him forward and pushed him to his limits. But he would never stop...

He had barely settled into the sand before Mingi rushed into their room in a flurry of bubbles. "Yunho! I saw the guards! You're back. Are you ok? Are you hurt? What did you find?"

His prince sank down in front of him and took his hands. Yunho couldn't help but smile. "Deep breath, Mingi. I'm ok."

The silence that feel over them was all the answer needed for Mingi's last question.

It made Yunho feel like such a failure... He as supposed to protect this pod, it was his sworn duty. And more than anything, he had promised to always protect Wooyoung.

At that thought, Yunho pulled his hands free to cover his face right before he started to sob.

Mingi quickly pulled him close and gently shushed him. "You need to rest, you are doing too much."

"No!" Yunho shook his head and pushed Mingi away. "I'm not doing enough! I should have answers by now!" He could feel his anger rising. "They couldn't have just vanished!"

None of this made any sense. Normally if a merman or mermaid disappeared a scale at the very least could be found to bring home to the families.

But now... there was nothing.

"So we will send another group out to keep looking, but you need to rest."

"I ca-"

"Don't make me order you." Mingi said, taking on the harsh tone he needed to be a leader, and one he had never truly had to use on his chosen mate.

Yunho paused, then bowed his head. "I just..."

"I know, I do too." The prince whispered.

After a few minutes, Mingi helped Yunho off the sea floor and over to the bed so he could lay down. The soft moss cradled his weary body, pulling him into the slumber it desired, all while Mingi hummed gently in his ear.

The next time San and Yeosang went to visit Wooyoung, they very proudly handed over the materials the merman had asked for to try and contact his home.

"Oh! Thank you so much." Wooyoung bounced in place a little, never taking his eyes off San. "I hope I haven't caused you too much trouble."

"It's fine, really." San crouched next to the trough and reached out to cup Wooyoung's cheek. "How are you doing?"


"What can we do for you?" San glanced at Jongho and saw a sad look in his eyes.

"I'm fine for now, although I am hungry!" Wooyoung pushed himself up on the wooden plank to try and get closer to San.

"I've taken care of that already." Jongho stood up straighter and puffed his chest out a little when Yeosang's eyes widened in surprise. "It'll be ready in a little bit."

Wooyoung beamed and continued to try and lift himself out of the water.

Catching the hint, Yeosang stepped out of the room with Jongho and closed the door behind them.

San chuckled and ran his fingers through Wooyoung's fluffy, purple hair before closing the distance between them.

Their lips molded together and San loved that he got the slight taste of salt from running his tongue across Wooyoung's lips.

Ocean's Descent ||| Woosan (Ateez)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora