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This wasn't real...

It couldn't be...

Wooyoung knew he had to have died in his sleep because his eyes had to be deceiving him or he had officially lost his mind.

He opened and closed his mouth several times, unable to even comprehend how to form intelligent words.

Sitting before him, with some red moss still clinging to his waving blond hair, was...

Was San.

His San.

And... he had a tail.

"Wooyoung." San said softly, tilting his head to the side and smiling so brightly his eyes turned to crescents and his dimples showed.

He didn't care anymore. Let this be a dream. Wooyoung would embrace it fully and be forever grateful to Mother Atargatis for allowing him to see his love again.

Wooyoung lunged forward and threw his arms around San's neck, sobbing openly. He clung to his human as hard as he could, wishing he had his legs to wrap around San as well.

"Shhh, it's alright." San giggled while running his hands all over the younger's back.

"You're here."

"I'm here."

"This can't be real."

"It's real, my love."

"You were bleeding."

"I'm healed."

"You were hurt."

"I am fine now."

"You have a tail!" Wooyoung screeched and pulled away, his eyes darting all over San's body. He was still trying to process everything but...

This felt real. It didn't feel like his dreams usually did... all floaty and difficult and overly exaggerated.

Now San laughed, a joyous, high pitched laugh that shook his entire body and made him lean back a little. "I do!"

He took that moment to look down at himself and they both gasped at the sight before them.

San really did have a tail now, his own, glorious, tail. It was one tone, like Yunho's, but it was the most brilliant shade of deep yellow. Under the glow of the pyramid, if the light hit it just right, it almost appeared to sparkle a brilliant gold.

With a quick movement, San started to wiggle it back and forth, testing out how it felt much like Wooyoung had the first time he'd given himself legs.

"This feels so weird." San marveled, bending in half to stretch his long arms so he could grab the end of his fin. He yelped and jolted, making Wooyoung laugh.

They looked at each other, both smiling, for a long second. It was obvious that neither one of them knew what to say, so Wooyoung just lifted a hand to trace the places where San had been bleeding.

His skin was flawless, possibly even better than it had been before.

Wooyoung dragged his fingers up, mapping out the body he already knew so well, traveling over his chest, up his neck, and into his hair.

With a crooked smile, he picked the lingering red moss out. He could feel his nerves starting to rise for some reason, so he took longer on the task than was really necessary.

He froze when San's hand cupped his cheek. It was an action so familiar, yet so foreign now, so gentle and timid. "Woo?"

The younger kept picking at his hair. He was too scared to look at San's eyes, too scared to accept the reality, too scared to find out that this wasn't real.

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