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Wooyoung was stunned. Immortality? There was no way it was possible. Humans had been incapable of reaching immortality since they were abandoned by magic centuries ago.

So how could Seonghwa claim to have found it now?

"I know, it's breathtaking, isn't it?" Seonghwa chuckled. "I have no words to describe it myself. But I can tell you one thing." He leaned forward and grabbed Wooyoung's chin. "I've never felt more alive."

Wooyoung pulled away and looked at Hongjoong. The assistant was just staring at the glass in front of him with a glazed expression in his eyes. There was longing there, and desire, but also confusion.

"Yes, Hongjoong wanted it too. And as a reward for being my ever faithful assistant," Seonghwa now leaned over to take one of Hongjoong's hands, holding it with a tenderness he had never showed before with the other man, "I decided to uphold my end of the deal."

Hongjoong blinked a couple of times, then very slowly turned to look at Seonghwa. "De...cided?"

"Well, your little stint with the octopus nearly cost you. But your quick thinking excuse proved to be true, so I forgave you for going behind my back. Besides..." Seonghwa yanked on Hongjoong's hand, forcing him out of his chair and onto his knees at Seonghwa's side. "What's the point of eternity if you don't have someone... special... to spend it with."

A chill fell over the room as Hongjoong's eyes widened a little. Both he and Wooyoung watched Seonghwa lean over and grab Hongjoong's glass, then bring it to his lips. He didn't say a word as he started to tip it.

Hongjoong must have known better than to fight it, because he willingly parted his lips and gulped down the liquid inside. And he slowly lost all color in his face as he did...

Somehow, maybe because it was all linked by magic, or maybe because he was physically part of it now, Wooyoung could feel the change in Hongjoong already. It caused his stomach to twist in knots.

This wasn't right... Humanity wasn't meant to have this power. Not anymore. And witnessing what Seonghwa was willing to do to obtain it made Wooyoung believe that was true even more.

He started to shake in his seat as his mind started to spiral out of control.

What did this mean for the humans now? Would Seonghwa really take over and try to rule? What would that mean for the future.

What did that mean for him?

Wooyoung feared that he would be locked in that tank forever.

Once Hongjoong was done drinking, Seonghwa slowly set the glass down, then ran his tongue across the bottom of Hongjoong's lip to gather the rest of the liquid there. He narrowed his eyes before pushing his thumb into his assistant's mouth, watching him without blinking.

And Hongjoong played his part well. He didn't fight it, instead his eyelids fluttered and he sucked on Seonghwa's thumb for several seconds.

"That's it, take it all. And you'll take any more that I give you, right?" Seonghwa's hand slowly rotated to grip Hongjoong's jaw. "This is all still an experiment, so we have no idea if we will need more than one dose or not. How do you feel?"

"Good." Hongjoong answered immediately. "S-Stronger, maybe?"

Seonghwa hummed happily, his hand now drifting up to rake through Hongjoong's hair. "Good. That's excellent. And this is how you'll always be."

Wooyoung shook his head. He didn't know if he wanted to stay here and witness what else Seonghwa had to say or if he wanted to try and run. This horrible turn of events was spiraling into a nightmare.

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