27| memorabilia*

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It takes a few hours of crying before you and Jimin finally compose yourselves and accept the reality.

You finish out the week's lessons with Jimin and savor every moment. Today is the last day and you can't seem to quiet your worrying mind and restless heart.

At his condo, he sits at the kitchen island and takes a phone call. You try to mind your business and give him privacy.

You head to the bedroom and remove your clothing from his dresser. You have enough money saved to rent an apartment for a while.

As you pull your suitcase from the closet, Jimin enters the room and picks up a pile of your clothes. "What's going on?" he asks.

You share your thoughts with him and inform him of the apartment lease you'll be signing next week. He puts the pile of clothing back in the drawer.

"Y/N, stay here."

You look at him confusedly. "You're not traveling anymore?"

He shakes his head weakly. "I just accepted a tour around Asia for two months. But I'll come back. Wait for me here," he pleads.

You think of Namjoon asking you to wait for him, and look how that turned out.

You start to oppose this idea but Jimin grabs hold of your hands. "I know you said your ex asked the same thing of you. I promise I won't let you feel alone like that."

Okay, Jimin really has a way of reading your mind.

"But Jimin... I can't just stay in your condo for two months. It feels like I'm squatting here."

Still holding your hands, he pulls you towards him into a hug.

"It feels like home when you're here," he says.

You hug him back. "You feel like home."

He brings you to the bed and lays you down. He looks at you with your hair splayed behind your head and your eyes twinkling with a thin layer of tears.

He brushes your baby hairs from your forehead and kisses your eyebrow.

"I will come back for you," he says.

You put your hands on his back, trying to pull him down.

He climbs on top of you and kisses your jaw as you extend your neck.

"But your career," you object.

He kisses your neck sweetly, not leaving any marks.

"I'm still young. I could take a break from traveling and still survive."

You let the words soak in. Is he really going to stick around for lil ole' you?

He massages his hands over your body, tempting you to ask for more.

"But..." you object again.

"Shhh," he cuts you off. "I made up my mind."

You melt under him as he slides his fingers into your vagina. Yeah, you're definitely done talking.

He fingers you until you climax and then kisses you tenderly.

"I have to leave tomorrow night. Will you help me pack?"

He rolls up his sleeves and waits for your response. It pains you to help him pack but you don't want to decline assisting him.

You nod and straighten yourself, following him to the walk-in closet.

He pulls out a large suitcase and opens it on the floor. You playfully put outfits together for him and quickly fill the suitcase. He fills it with underwear and socks and then zips it closed.

Dusting his hands off, he looks to you to check your expression.

You still feel sadness, but you're hopeful that he'll come back after two months and it'll feel like nothing has changed.

He walks to you and boops your nose. "Don't throw a party when I'm gone."

You giggle and run a finger along his bottom lip. "Let's have a party now."

He picks you up and sits you on the island in the closet. You kiss passionately and tear each other's clothes off.

Two months without this? You're not sure you'll make it out alive.

The thought of being alone for all that time makes you more needy. You'll cherish every second of this hot session.

When he reaches orgasm and fills you with his warm liquid, you cling to him.

"I'm going to miss you like crazy," he breathily whispers.

You let go and search for your soaked panties that he threw to the side.

You toss it back to him.

"Take this to remember me."

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