6| the touch

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A/N: vote for this chapter if you like the gif of Jimin's tongue 👅 hehe

You leave practice feeling oddly accomplished. You haven't felt this way in a while.

The assignment isn't due for another few days so you have some time to relax and focus on other things.

Before you left the studio, Jimin had made sure you took the dumpling. He placed the paper bag into your hands, transferring electricity from his fingertips to yours.

At first, you'd hoped he forgot about dumpling, but you strangely feel some kind of connection forming over this doughy snack.

As you walk home with the paper bag in hand, you contemplate whether to discard the dumpling in a nearby garbage can or toss it in the fridge at home knowing you won't eat it.

By the time you reach your apartment door, you haven't yet discarded the dumpling because you couldn't make up your mind. You decide to throw away the doughy part and only eat the filling.

At the table, you quickly pierce a hole into the dumpling and take a pinch of inside, licking it first to get a taste before placing it into your mouth. You chew the ingredients slowly and completely until it's just mush, and you swallow. Then you wait.

You don't feel sick from this food, but you're also not in the mood to consume more. Although you know you should be improving your diet, you've simply gotten used to surviving without food and haven't been able to work up an appetite since.

You wrap up the filling and slide it into the fridge. Maybe you'll take another piece later. You don't want to disappoint Jimin.


The night and the next morning passed by mindlessly. You can't even recall a single event from either. All you looked forward to was seeing Jimin at the private session.

When you enter the room, he's sitting on the floor with his legs parted into a wide V. He reaches forward to stretch his muscles. You can't resist a glance at his behind. It's nice.

"Hey, Jimin." You smile and wave.

He twists around painlessly to meet your eyes. A genuine expression. He mimics your gestures and invites you to join him.

You already stretched before coming here, but you can't turn down the opportunity to sit with him. You plop in front of Jimin with parted legs, connecting both your feet with his and holding out your hands.

He instinctively links his hands with yours and pulls you forward. You can smell the mint from the air around him. You look down and blush at how close you are to his crotch in this position.

With an urgency fueled by embarrassment, you pull him forward this time. He moves with you, and now you catch a whiff of his perfect hair. Something sweet, but not quite fruity. How many enticing smells does this man have? It makes you want to get closer to find out.

As you lean forward to inhale his scent, he suddenly raises his head and is nose-to-nose with you.

Startled, you let his hands go and he groans, backing away from position. He places his hands on his lower back. "That was sudden," he complains.

You apologize for letting go without warning, but shouldn't he be apologizing to you for being so damn handsome? Just flaunting his good looks and charms in your face.

I mean, who wouldn't get flustered?

You wrap up the stretching session quickly and watch Jimin as he connects his phone to the speakers to start the music. You interrupt, "I have my dance assignment engraved into my mind. Is there anything else you can teach me?"

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