3| first session

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You wake up to the sound of sirens.

It's your phone alarm sounding. You snooze it.

Another alarm goes off. You snooze that one, too.

Another alarm, and this time you sit up in bed, groaning. You turn the remaining alarms off and wipe the crust from your eyes. Another day to embarrass yourself at dance school.

You shower for longer than you can afford, but the hot water feels so soothing on your tired muscles.

You step out and dry yourself off, preparing an outfit for today's class. It doesn't take long as you settle for your usual oversized hoodie and shorts.

By the time you reach the studio, you feel fully awakened from the long walk. You throw your bag into a locker and begin morning stretches while waiting for other students to arrive.

After a few moments, you hear the door click, and you look in the mirror to see Jimin's reflection as he enters the room.

You bow your head to him and want to say something casual but you just stare at him as he bows in return, his tousled hair bouncing around his head, and swollen cheeks that resemble sweet rice cakes. He must have woken up not long ago.

He beats you to the punch. "You're here early."

You nod shyly. "And you? I've never seen you in this studio before we met yesterday."

"Ah," he sits against the mirror and exhales tiredly, "I attended this school long ago. Now Jung-nim asked me to return and mentor one of her most promising students," he winks at you, " and I feel so nostalgic here. I like the feeling. I used to be the first student to arrive every morning, but you've got me beat."

You smile to yourself. Did he really wink at you? "Yeah, I know what you mean about that nostalgic feeling. I felt that yesterday."

He raises his eyebrows in curiosity. "With me?"

"Oh no," you quickly reply, blushing and shaking your head. What should you tell him? "With a friend..."

He hums and closes his eyes, not seeming to care too much. He leans his head back against the mirror. Is he going back to sleep?

You clear your throat softly and continue stretching, but you sneak glances at him while he sleeps with his mouth hanging slightly open. He's cute.

Another student enters and awakens him. Eunjoo drops her bag and runs to his side. "Oh, my! Park Jimin? What are you doing here?"

His expression is confused, and he rubs his neck before responding, "I'm mentoring Y/N," he smiles and gestures towards you. You blush again.

Eunjoo shoots you a dirty look and turns back to Jimin to continue fangirling. "I saw your last show. Wow, you were flawless on the stage."

He thanks her and nods awkwardly, probably wishing to return to dreamland.

But she continues, "Would you mentor me?"

You almost gag.

He widens his eyes at the request. "Uh, sorry, but Jung-nim arranged the mentorship. I really have no control."

Eunjoo smirks. "It must be because Y/N is so bad at dancing. How did she even get into this school?"

So, she's just going to talk about me as if I'm not even in the room?

Just as Jimin opens his mouth to speak, you decide to speak up for yourself.

"I'm still ranked higher than you in overall performance. A few lousy weeks is nothing. I'll be the lead of the next showcase," you say through gritted teeth.

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