17| curious

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A/N: this will be a short chapter. Kind of like a filler but there's still some important dialogue. Leave me comments~~

You deliver on your promise and perform passionately during theater practice.

Hoseok is impressed and praises you.

"Jimin told me how great you were. I can't believe I'm seeing this with my own eyes."

You blush and thank him for the compliments. This makes you curious, though.

"Jimin talks about me?"

Hoseok nods. "He said he saw your tapes and was mesmerized by your talent. I didn't know he was your mentor, though. He left that part out."

You nod and let the words bounce around your head for a little while. Why wouldn't he mention being your mentor?

This sends you on a mental path of questions about Jimin.

You ask Hoseok if he's okay with sharing information about Jimin. He shrugs and agrees.

You both sit in the audience and sink into the cushioned seats.

Hoseok shares that Jimin travels a lot due to his successful career as a dancer. Agencies track him down and offer him lots of money. He recently settled in Seoul to take some time off but will probably begin traveling again in a few months.

You soak this information up. So he'll be leaving Seoul soon. Will you ever see him again afterwards?

"He hasn't been in a serious relationship because of his career. The poor guy definitely deserves love. He's a kind one," Hoseok adds.

You feel bad about how you reacted towards Jimin for mentoring Eunjoo. You let your insecurities ruin your friendship.

You also feel a peace within you. Perhaps Jimin didn't want to take your virginity since he knew he wouldn't be around for long.

With newfound understanding, your respect for Jimin grows and the anger and jealousy is released from you.

Hoseok gets bored of talking about Jimin and waves to two choir boys.

"Jungkook! Taehyung!"

You look over to see two boys laughing and joking around with a violin and saxophone.

Taehyung, the boy with the boxy smile, plays a dramatic tune on the sax while Jungkook acts something out. They burst out laughing and continue their little game.

Hoseok turns to you and rolls his eyes, "Those two are always messing around. I hope you're good at playing along. They're very friendly."

You smile and rise from your seat. "I'm very good at it."

You walk to the stage and wait for Jungkook to play a melancholy tune from the violin. Your body follows the beat and delivers an emotional improv performance. The boys shriek and clap with excitement.

"You're so good!"

"Better than Hoseok-hyung!" they tease.

You get back to practicing with your cast-mates and get to know everyone better.

Feeling comfortable in this space, you feel your skills improving and your confidence exponentially boosting.

You wish Jimin was here to see this. He's the only thing that feels missing.

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