23| collide

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As the days pass by, your body reverts to normal and all your aches go away.

The holidays are approaching but you're not in the spirit. Neighbors have already begun playing Christmas carols and decorating their doors.

You eat a cinnamon roll while flipping through channels on the television.

You've advanced to tolerating larger snacks and small meals. Jimin has made sure you've eaten everyday.

When you finally find a k-drama that catches your attention, you lay your head against the sofa and relax. But not for long.

Your phone vibrates and you answer immediately, thinking it'll be Jimin since he's the only person who contacts you nowadays.

"Hello," you answer cheerily.


This isn't Jimin's voice...

"Are you still dancing at that little studio?"


"Are you trying to kill your parents? We're so disappointed in you!"

You sit up, now filled with fury. "You haven't checked on your only child for all this time. What if something happened to me?"

"Then it would be your own fault," your mother barks.

"Why are you calling me? To make me feel bad?"

She sucks her teeth and curses. "We're not paying for you to live like this. Rent is paid until the end of the month and that's it! Find a way to live on your own."

Your anger escapes in the form of tears. You can't curse at your mother.

"You must hate your parents," she goes on.

"Mom! Please. I danced in a major show recently. I have another show scheduled in a few weeks."

She doesn't care. She belittles your accomplishments and calls you an embarrassment.

"Where is dad? Does he feel the same?"

"Of course, he's ashamed of you!" she sharply replies.

No... Dad would never say that. He always goes along with what mom wants, but he can't really think like that...

"You're no longer our daughter. Only call us if your life is in danger," she says before abruptly hanging up.

You sit there with tears streaming down your face. You bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming.

You slam your fists into the sofa and wipe your face with your shirt.

You have to move out before the end of the month. Where will you go?

Panicking, you call Namjoon. He answers after a few rings.

"Joonie, what will I do?"

"Calm down," he begins. "Your instructor might have an extra room."

You consider this but dismiss the idea. You don't want to live with Jung-nim. You see enough of her everyday.

"Do they want me to be homeless?" you screech.

Namjoon sighs. "You disobeyed them so they're upset."

Your jaw drops in disbelief. "Wait...do you agree with them?"

"No," he quickly replies. "I'm just seeing it from their perspective as well."

You swallow a lump in your throat and say, "Well, you were no help. I have other calls to make."

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