20| manifest

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A/N: this is a short chapter! Just a filler and then we'll be back to the action. Leave me comments please 🙏🏼 & vote!

After Jimin reported Dongwoo to Jung-nim and the appropriate authorities, all parties agreed you should take the week off.

In Jimin's absence, you feel anxious and lonely.

You call Hoseok and ask to meet up. You need some sunshine in your life.

The day passes by and you try your best to fill it with positivity. You met with Hoseok, did reflection and journaling, and applied for some small shows nearby.

But there's still an emptiness that annoyingly tightens your chest.

Half of the week is spent in this fashion. You just count down the time until Jimin comes back to Seoul.

As you curl into a ball under your covers and think of him, your phone vibrates.

You check the screen and see it's Jimin calling.

You hastily sit up and answer the call. You brush your fingers through your hair and straighten up as if he could see you.


"Y/N," he begins. "How are you?"

"Great," you blurt. It's not true, but you're feeling great now that he's called.

"What have you been up to?" he inquires.

You have nothing special to share, so you tell him you've been reflecting and getting to know yourself better.

He says he's happy for you and glad you found some peace.

After checking up on you, it seems like he's ready to end the conversation. You quickly say what's on your mind.

"Come over when you get back."

"Okay," he responds right away.

You didn't think it'd be that easy. You have more you want to say.

"When I reach for your belt, don't stop me," you say.

"Okay," his voice reaches a lower register. It sounds like he's getting turned on.

"And when I tell you to put it inside, do as I say."

"Yes," he obeys.

You lick your lips. "Don't make me wait too long."

Reflection | PJMWhere stories live. Discover now