18| home*

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You practiced day and night for weeks. Finally, it's D-Day and you're about to perform in your first major show.

The house is packed and not a single seat is empty. You retract your head behind the curtain and take a deep breath.

With perfect timing, Hoseok walks over with a bottle of water. "Take it easy," he says.

You greedily snatch the water and gulp it down. "What if I mess up?"

"Everyone messes up sometimes. And this is your first show," he says. "There will be many more opportunities for you to display your skills."

You smile and give him a hug. He's been like a big brother to you throughout the whole process.

"If you do your best, you'll have no regrets," he says as the lights dim.

You scurry to your position before the curtain draws.


You're heaving backstage and gasping for air after the final curtain.

You gave 110% on the stage and now you're exhausted.

You grab hold of a chair and wheeze. Your anxiety increases and you feel like there's not enough air in the room. A warm hand rubs your back. Hoseok?

You swallow and turn around.


Surprised, you force as much air into your lungs as you can and hold your breath to stabilize your breathing pattern.

Jimin looks worried and embraces you in a gentle hug. "You were amazing. But it looks like you might've overdone it."

Wheezing in his arms, you feel comfort wash over you. He feels like a heated blanket during a blizzard. An umbrella during a storm. The light after the dark.

Your breathing begins to normalize, and you rest your head on Jimin's chest with your eyes closed. The show suddenly doesn't matter anymore. Now you're in a safe place. He feels like home.

Hoseok rushes over. "Hey, Jiminie. Is Y/N okay?"

You open your eyes to look at Hoseok. "I'm fine, bro," you assure him.

Hoseok looks at you funnily, probably because you're resting all your weight on Jimin now. He's holding you up from under your arms.

"Jiminie, take Y/N home. I can't because I volunteered to close up shop tonight," Hoseok explains.

Jimin nods and releases you from the healing hug. He peers into your eyes. He's wearing those damn grey contact lenses. You stare back, letting your emotions show on your face. You missed him. You didn't know how lonely you've been until seeing him again.

"I didn't know you were coming tonight," you say.

He nods. "Hoseok is one of my best buds. And of course, you were the lead in the show."

Blushing, you place a hand on his chest in an attempt to push yourself away and collect your things, but you feel dizzy so you freeze and close your eyes.

"Do you need a piggyback ride?" he asks.

You smile and suppress a laugh. "I don't think I have a choice."

He turns around and bends his knees a bit so you can jump. You wrap your legs around his waist and let your arms dangle over his shoulders. He carries you effortlessly along with your bags.


Jimin called for a taxi and you arrive at your apartment together.

At the door of the building you stop him. "After seeing your condo, I feel embarrassed about my apartment," you tell him.

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