16| acquaintance

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After morning classes, you hurry to your locker to retrieve your belongings so you can jet out of there as fast as possible. You don't want to run into Jimin.

As you pass the glass door of the private practice room, it seems deserted. You're in the clear.

You begin the trek to the theater where you will be practicing in-person for the next month. You're excited but also nervous, as this is your first ever experience doing such a thing.

You arrive at the theater and gasp at the extravagance. The ceiling is so high you wonder if there is even a ladder tall enough to reach it.

The stage is decorated with gold accents and velvety curtains. Everything is art.

The audience is like an ocean of seats that reaches so far it all blends together at the horizon.

You're drawn back to reality only when someone calls your name.


It's a good-looking man, probably around your age. He's wearing baggy but fashionable clothes. Dimples form on either side of his smile, and you feel happy just looking at him.

"I'm Hoseok," he introduces himself

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"I'm Hoseok," he introduces himself.

You bow. "It seems you already know my name."

He smiles brightly. "My mother owns the studio you go to."

Jung-nim's son?!

You bow at 90 degrees and tell him how honored you are to meet him.

He shows you around the theater and tells you about his history here.

He's been dancing since he was a child and performed in shows for as long as he can remember. The theater is like a home to him.

After meeting your cast-mates and familiarizing yourself with the surroundings, Hoseok suggests you take a lunch break at a nearby cat cafe.

You've always wanted to go but Namjoon would never agree to accompany you. He's more of a dog person.

Eager to finally see the cat cafe, you link your arm with Hoseok's and skip down the block.

When you enter the cat cafe, you expect to see many cats roaming the floor, but instead you see a man sleeping on a couch with cats nestled all around him.

The shop owner walks over to the man and yells, "Yah! Don't come here to sleep. Customers want to play with the cats."

The sleepy man sits up and whines. "Yaahhh. I was peaceful. I don't know why the cats keep coming to me."

Hoseok giggles and explains that the shop owner, Jin, rescued these cats and employs them at his shop, paying them with catnip and biscuits. The sleepy man, Yoongi, is a close friend who helps to feed and groom the cats.

You laugh at their banter and Jin finally returns behind the counter to take your order. You only ask for a small tea while Hoseok orders a hamburger meal and Sprite.

Sitting outdoors, you trace your finger around the rim of your teacup.

"How can you eat all that and maintain a dancer's body?"

Hoseok looks up from his food and chomps away. "I'm not sure. Fast metabolism?" he guesses.

You've been thinking of cutting down your intake to prepare for the show. Just for one month. Then you'll go back to improving your diet.

"Have some fries! I feel bad eating in front of you," Hoseok encourages.

You smile and tilt your head, admiring him. He really is like a ball of sunshine. "No thanks. I ate before I came here," you lie.

Hoseok shrugs and devours his meal. You look off into the distance and observe nature. The weather is getting chillier as winter approaches. The last few weeks have flown by just as the leaves fall from trees and follow the wind.

In the midst of your thoughts, you're interrupted.

"I didn't expect to see you here!" Hoseok stands and hugs someone.

You can't see the face but you stand to prepare a bow. As the mystery man releases Hoseok from the embrace, your smile falls.

"Y/N," Jimin says.

Hoseok puts his hand to his heart-shaped lips. "You know each other?"

You nod and laugh nervously. "Only professionally."

You can feel Jimin's eyes on you but you avoid meeting his gaze. Hoseok continues with cheery dialogue as you sit and sip your tea.

Jimin suddenly places his hand on your arm. You glance at his thick fingers and remember when they were thrusting inside you.

"Good to see you, Y/N," Jimin says before he walks off.

"Gotta love that kid," Hoseok says before emptying his cup of Sprite into his mouth.

Your mind has already wandered to the dark place of memories with Jimin. You can't forget the way it felt when he massaged your sensitive flower and made your juices spill messily on his hands and chin. You had your first orgasm with him.

You swallow hard and snap out of it, feeling your cheeks flush.

"You okay?" Hoseok asks, wiping his fingers with a wet wipe.

Flustered, you deflect and say you're just worried about the show.

Hoseok sympathizes and lets you go home early as long as you promise to return tomorrow with fervent determination to practice hard.

You rush home to be in the privacy of your bedroom. You strip out of your layers of clothing and crawl under your covers in just your undergarments.

Your mind is free to wander now.

You touch yourself as you think of Jimin. Your fingers try to reenact his movements, but it's not the same. You barely feel pleasure from this. It just makes you want him more.

Groaning from frustration, you think of giving him a call. It's okay to have sex with someone without strings attached, right? He could just finger you and then you would leave without any unnecessary interaction.

You consider this briefly and ultimately dismiss the ideas, not wanting him to know how horny you are. You figure you missed your chance with him, and the experience was nice while it lasted.

You spend the rest of the night in heat, fantasizing about Jimin fucking you hard until you scream for mercy. You imagine scratching his back and sucking his neck while he destroys you. He would rock inside you until you're dripping with cum. It would be both memorable and haunting.

Hey, if you can't have it, you can dream it, right?

A/N: ^^^^^ all ARMYs can relate, right? 😉 hahaha

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