In the palm of the little one

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Its O negative

No matter how much I twist and turn on the bed. I am not able to sleep. I don't want to disturb the person who was sleeping next to me, so I left him and sat on the sofa. I just keep staring at the place, but I had no idea what was running in my mind. Everything looked so haphazard. The night was calm and cool but the feel of depression that was forming in my heart cannot not calmed. I felt like it was calm before storm.

The silent night was interrupted by the loud sound of the phone.

"Hello" Beam said to the other person on the line. I don't know what the other person said, I can only hear Beam's answer that he will be there in few minutes.

"Would you like to come with me forth?" his voice startled me for a second. I don't know what I was supposed to do other than looking at his depth filled eyes.

"Come with me" that's all he said and started to drag me with him. I was nothing but a puppet on his hand. Just giving everything as he wants.


"What happened?" Beam asked the nurse who was waiting for him to come.

"There is an incoming case of 6 years old girl who fell from 3rd floor" the nurse said to him.

"Check what is her blood group and ask whether the blood bank has the stock. Prepare for CT. Check who is available in orthopedics ward and inform them case something is broken and prepare the OT and one more thing take this man to the NICU lobby" he said to the nurse and moved out taking the item that he requires.

The nurse took me to the NICU lobby and there I saw lot of little creatures who has entered the world. There was one baby who got my attention.

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" the nurse asked me. The little one was sleeping but the smile never left her lips. Seeing the baby smile made my heart feel little light.

"Yes, she is" I said to the nurse with my hands pressed on the display glass.

"She is three days old. She was born healthy, but her mother died after her birth. I feel sad that for her" the nurse said to her.

"What about her father and the family?" I asked her.

"No one has come yet. We are trying to get hold of them but the women who got admitted did give any emergency contact person. The number she gave was switched off. Maybe we wait for few more days before handing over to orphanage." She said to me.

In all of sudden the baby started to cry making me panic.

"Why is she crying? What happened?" I asked the nurse.

"Maybe she is hungry. The duty nurse will take care of her" she said to me, but I was not able to take my eyes away from her. the duty nurse took her out of the incubator and held her close, but the girl only cried even more, and the nurse was trying everyway possible to take care of her but there was no avail.

"Can I hold her" I asked the nurse all of the sudden I was surprised by my own request.

"I don't think they will allow you to hold her" the nurse said to me smiling. I nodded giving my understanding. The nurse was holding the baby and walking but the little one didn't stop crying at all.

"you can hold the baby. I have asked them" she said

"How did they allow me?" I asked her in surprise

"I said she is your daughter, and you came for the visit" she said smiling and carried the little one out.

I was too afraid to hold the little one. She looked too fragile and soft.

"Will I hurt her if I hold her?" I asked the nurse. I know it was a stupid question, but I can't help it. she was so little and fragile and too soft. I know the nurse tried to muffle her laugh.

"No, you won't. just hold her the way I do" she said to me and taught me how to hold her. it is not that I have not held a baby the last baby that held in my hand was Ming and that was more that 17 years ago now I see the little one again after a long time.

The moment I held her she smiled at me and all sudden I felt peaceful. I don't know I was shedding the tears that I held back for so long.

Maybe this is what I missed.........

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