Trying to meet Dr.Beam

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Forth was having his food in canteen while he got message from one of his minion.

"If you want to meet Dr.Beam I suggest you to come to the vvip room boss" was the text. Forth who dumped the remaining food in the bin was rushing to meet him. Why does he want to meet this particular doctor very much was not clear to his own self but when Forth reached the room he was no where to be seen.

"Where is the doctor?" Was the first thing he asked when he entered the room.

"I don't know what you are talking about" pha who was on the bed was totally confused.

"Dr.Beam I got the message that he was here to check on you" forth replied to Phana.

"Oh, Dr.Beam his shift has already ended and he has gone back to his home" said a third person voice from the door way.

"Dr.Wayo" Phana said and his face immediately got lightened up seeing the small cute doctor face.

"How are you feeling Dr.kunakorn" wayo asked Phana

"Never been better until I saw you Dr.Wayo" Phana replied to wayo.

"I am happy that you are alright Mr.kunakorn I hope that you will get will soon" he said to Phana and injected the medicine into his trips bottle before leaving the room.

Forth was following Mr. Wayo out of the door.

"Dr.wayo" forth called for him

"What can I do for you Mr?" Wayo asked forth radio his eyebrows

"Forth" Forth replied and extended his hand for a shake.

"How is phana?"

"He is fine Mr. Forth and he can be discharged in a week if his wound heals well and he is responding good to the treatment" wayo said to him

"Thank you very much doctor wayo" forth said to wayo.

"This is not the only thing that you want to ask me I assume, seeing from the way that you followed me I think you have something else to say or ask" wayo said to forth.

"I am sorry for misbehaving with you Dr. Wayo"  forth said to him

"It's OK Mr. Forth I can understand your concern for your family I would have reacted the same way. If you have nothing else to say then I shall the my leave" wayo smiled at forth and started to walk away only to be called by Forth again.

"Is there anything else Mr?" Wayo asked forth Turing to look at him

"Dr.Beam when can I see him?" Forth asked wayo.

"He has day off tomorrow may be he will come day after tomorrow. I will pass the news to him that you want to see him Mr.forth" wayo said to him

"Thank you Very much Dr.wayo" he said.

"speaking about thanks Mr.Forth that should reach Dr.beam he was the one who saved your friends life when the bloodbank ran out of stock" he said to forth and walked away without looking back.

Looks like I have a thanks and sorry in stock to say to you Forth thought to himself before walking into Phana's room again.

Twisted Love The Series (Forth Beam)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ