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The next few weeks flew by. Today Pacey was going back to school and work. Joey was feeling nervous about being with the baby by herself all day. Pacey had really been a huge help. Pacey sensing this reassured her that she was going to be just fine, plus her sister was going to be there if she needed any help.

Pacey kissed Joey goodbye the he leaned down and kissed his sleeping son. "Daddy will be back as soon as he can little man. Daddy is sure going to miss you and mommy" Pacey said to his sleeping son.

As soon as Pacey shut the door it seemed like Pacey Jr. knew that his dad was gone because he started crying.

Joey was now able to move around alot better rushed to her son and scooped him up. "Already a daddy's boy huh" she said to the baby. She fed, burped and changed him. Instead of putting him back in his bed, she layed the baby down beside her and closed her eyes.

Joey was awoken by someone shaking her. She opened her eyes to see Dawson standing over her. "Dawson what are you doing her?" "Pacey wanted me to come check on you and the baby. He had to head straight to the video store after school." Oh my did I actually sleep that long she thought. As soon as Baby registered in her mind she noticed that he was no longer laying beside her. Dawson seen that she was wondering where the baby was and said "Bessie has the baby in living room with her. She heard him crying and seen that you were fast asleep, she didn't want to wake you. So she took the baby in there with her and changed his diaper. I don't think he's been awake that long. She sent me in here to wake you so that you can feed him."

Joey got out of bed and went to tend to her son. "Thanks Bess" Joey said taking Jr. out of her arms. She sat down on the sofa and pulled her boob out to let the baby latch. "Jeez Joey you could have warned me" Dawson said turning his said so that he couldn't see her exposed breast. "Dawson it's a natural thing" Bessie said laughing at him.

"I don't think Pacey would like for me to see his fiance's breast" Dawson said. After Joey was done feeding the baby Dawson sat down beside her. "Jo how are you doing? You look really tired." He had never seen Joey looking so hagarred. "Well feedings ever two hours especially at night will have you looking like this." "I'm sorry Jo but things will get better" Bessie said. "Well I got alot of homework so I gotta get going" Dawson said. "Dawson tell everyone I said hello and that they could come see me." "Will do Jo, you take care of yourself and my nephew" Dawson kissing Joey on the cheek and the baby on the forehead.

When Pacey got home that night he seen that Joey still had the same clothes on that she had on the night before. To hopefully cheer her up a little he told her that he had a surprise  for her but only after she showered and changed her clothes. She gave the baby to him and went to do just that.

After her shower, she did feel a little better she thought to herself but she still felt tired. When she walked into the bedroom with just a towel on Pacey let out a whistle as he was laying on the bed with the baby asleep on his chest and said "there's my pretty girl." Bessie and Bodie had went out to dinner so was able to walk around in a towel. She pulled out a clean night gown out of her dresser along with clean undies.

After she had her clothes on she layed down beside Pacey and the baby. "What's my surprise Pace? I did what you told me." "We get to move into our apartment this weekend. The landlord called me at work this afternoon. Mom and dad are going to help with everything including helping us furnish it. "That's great Pace" Joey said not sounding to enthusiastic about it. "Jo what's wrong? I thought you would be over the moon excited about this." "I am excited Pace. I just feel really down here lately." "Maybe you should see your doctor. Sounds like you might be experiencing post partum depression." "Yeah I think I will make an appointment because right after you left this morning Jr. started crying. I fed, burped and changed him but instead of putting him back in his bed I layed him down beside me on the bed. Next thing I knew I was being shaken awake by Dawson. Bessie heard the baby crying. She came and got him. She more or less told me that I didn't flinch as he was laying there crying." She started crying and Pacey put his arm around her. "It's ok Jo, you are a new mother and I am sure alot of new mothers go through this. I know we decided for you to stay on home school for the rest of the year but do you think maybe if you got back into school that would help?" "Jo my mom said she would help. We can drop him off with her before we go to school in the mornings and we can pick him up after school. Then I can drop you both off at home before I head to work." "I will call tomorrow for a doctor's appointment and then I will call the school and see what I have to do to get back in."

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