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Jen and Joey had been playing air hockey for awhile. They were tied and almost finished playing the tie breaker game."Hey Joey let's go check out the concession stand after this game, I'm pretty thirsty" said Jen. "Sure Jen just as soon as I win this game" said Joey. With that being said Joey landed the winning shot.

"Hey guys Joey and I are going to the concession stand. Do you two want anything" asked Jen. "Just something to drink" they both said. "Ok we'll be right back" said Jen.

Once they got to the concession stand they seen that there were some rough looking guys just standing around and talking to the cashier."Joey stay behind me, let me deal with them should they say or do anything. I've had dealings with these type of guys before in New York" said Jen. "Maybe they won't notice us Jen" said Joey but right after she said that the girls noticed them pointing and whispering. "Hey girls what's two pretty girls like yourselves doing here all alone. "Excuse me but we aren't alone, our boyfriends are in the arcade.

"Yeah righhhhttt" one of drawled out. They started moving toward Joey and Jen. One of them slid up by Joey and was trying to get his arm across Joey's shoulder. "If you don't get your hands off my girlfriend your ass is grass" Pacey said as he was walking up. "Oh is that so" said the rough looking guy that had dropped his arm away from Joey's shoulder. "Yes that's so" said Dawson as he was also walking up to them. "Ok boys let's leave these girls alone and go bowl, they obviously aren't alone. Sorry for my friends, we don't want any trouble. My name is Max by the way". "I'm Pacey this is my best friend Dawson,my girlfriend Joey and Dawson's girlfriend Jen". "Nice to meet you, now if you don't mind I'll get these knucleheads out of your way" said Max. With that said Max snapped his fingers and led them away.

"Omg I'm so glad you two came out when you did I was so nervous and scared I didn't know what to do but stay behind Jen like she said" said Joey while looking at Pacey all wide eyed and trembling a little bit. He put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned into him. "Yeah our game ended and before starting a new one we decided to come check on you" said Pacey. "Good thing we did too" said Dawson as he wrapped his arms around Jen. During this whole fiasco Jen had stayed cool, calm and collected thought Joey.

"Guys why don't we bowl a few games instead of playing more arcade games" asked Dawson. "First let's get some drinks and maybe a snack or two before we do" said Jen.

After they had finished their drinks and snacks, they found the only open lane which was by Max and his gang. "Oh great" said Joey. "I'm right here Jo" Pacey said reassuringly as they sat down to put on their bowling shoes. "So couple against couple or girls against guys" asked Dawson. "Couple against couple" said Jen. Nothing was exchanged between the two groups until Joey got up to bowl. Some of the guys started whistling,hooting and hollering at her. Pacey didn't like this one bit. He didn't want to say or do anything to scare Joey again so he looked around for Max but didn't see him anywhere. He wanted to tell him to get his boys back in line. Joey had trouble concentrating due to all the whistling and hollering but to her relief she got a strike. She ran over to Pacey and he wrapped her up in a big hug. "Good job Jo" said Pacey and asked if she was ok. "I'm ok Pace,as long as they don't come near me". "Over my dead body Jo will anything ever happen to you like that again".

Jen was the next one up to bowl and the gang of guys was starting to do what they had done when Joey was up to bowl but before they could Max walked up and told them "let's go" and off they went. Joey sighed with a huge relief that they were finally gone and wouldn't be causing any more trouble.

The couples had bowled a few games and decided to take a break and order a pizza. "Pace can I talk to you a minute" asked Joey. "Instead of sitting with Dawson and Jen we'll sit at our own table" said Pacey.

The pizza was served. Joey and Pacey put some slices on a plate and poured some soda into cups out the pitcher.

They sat down at the table which was about four down from Jen and Dawson. Dawson and Jen didn't mind this because they also wanted some alone time. Joey and Pacey took their seats and began eating.

"Pace" Joey started you know that Dawson and I have been best friends for a long time and it was pretty much just him and I hanging out together. Since you and Jen have came into our lives we haven't been able to hang out much like we use to. So we are planning to have a movie night tomorrow night with just him and me. Is that ok Pace"? "Jo I know how close Dawson and you are and I don't want our relationship to stand in the way of that. Of course it's ok that Dawson and you have your movie night". She reached across the table and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks Pace, for being understanding". "Call me when you get home Jo" said Pacey.

"Jen you know that Joey and I have been best friends for a long time and we use to hang out together alot but since you and I have gotten together, Pacey and Joey have gotten together she and I haven't been able to hang out like we use to. So we are thinking of having a movie night tomorrow night. You know just her and me. Is that ok Jen" asked Dawson. "I'm aware of the close friendship you two have and I don't mind you two hanging out together alone". "Thanks Jen for being understanding" said Dawson.

The couples met up for one last game to settle the tie after they had finish eating. "Did you mention tomorrow night to Pacey" asked Dawson. "Yes I did and everything is ok" said Joey. "Did you talk to Jen" asked Joey. "Good to go here" said Dawson. When Jen and Dawson broke the tie and won they looked at the time and decided it was time to head out.

Once outside they said there their goodbyes and started walking away. "See you tomorrow night bestie" Joey said before Dawson got too far away. "Can't wait bestie" replied Dawson.

"Thank you for walking me home Pace" said Joey as they walked up her doorsteps to the front door. "You're welcome my dearest Joey". Like I said I'll never let anything happen to you. I'll protect you with my life if I have to".

Joey turned and was about to go inside when Pacey grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around to face him. She knew what was about to happen. She couldn't believe she was about to have her first kiss. Joey always thought that Dawson and her would share the first kiss but now with Pacey looking into eyes she was glad it wasn't Dawson.

They both leaned into one another. Pacey kissed her softly on the lips. It was the most perfect, soft and sweetest kiss she could ever imagine. Joey got butterflies in her stomach and couldn't catch her breath at first. When she could she told Pacey that was the most perfect first kiss, she couldn't imagine anything more perfect. "Jo you never been kissed before? I was sure you had at least kissed Dawson". "Nope Pace that was my first kiss. Thank you for giving me the most perfect first kiss". "Glad to be of service my lady". Like the night before he lifted her hand up to his lips and kissed it. "Have fun with Dawson tomorrow night and don't forget to call me when you get home". "I'll call Pace". Either of them not wanting the night to end but knew it had to, Pacey hugged Joey one last time and kissed her forhead. "Goodnight Jo". "Goodnight Pace" said Joey as she turned away from Pacey to open the door and went inside.

"Did you have fun" Joey heard as soon as she closed the door. It was kinda dark but Joey could make out her sister lying on the couch. "Bessie I had such a great time and guess what I finally got my first kiss". "Was it everything you thought it would be" asked Bessie. "Bessie it was so soft and sweet. It was absolutely perfect" Joey said. "I'm happy for you lil sister but please do us all a favor and just stick to kissing. If not you could wind up in the same situation I'm in". "Goodnight Bessie". "Goodnight Joey and Joey I really am happy for you".

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