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"Hey Bestie" Joey said as she was climbing through Dawson's bedroom window like she use to. I was thinking we could watch Goodwill Hunting tonight". "Jo you must be psychic because that's the movie I chose for us". "I'm not psychic Dawson,I just know we both like that movie" said Joey. Dawson put the movie on and they both got comfortable on the bed.

"Just like old times huh Dawson"."Just like old times Jo". They both smiled at each other then turned toward the television to watch the movie.

A little bit into the movie Dawson said"how about we pause the movie and go get a drink and snack. "Thought you would never ask. Lead the way" said Joey.

They entered the kitchen and seen Mrs. Leery sitting at the breakfast table talking to someone on the phone but when she seen Dawson and Joey she told the person that she would talk to them later. "Hey mom,where's Dad" asked Dawson. "Your father went for a run" said Mrs. Leery. Dawson noticed that his mom seemed kind of nervous, especially when she picked up her tea cup and he seen her hand shaking.

Joey and Dawson retreated back to his bedroom once they had their drinks and snacks in hand. "Jo,did you notice how nervous my mom seemed when she seen us and how quickly she ended her phone call"? "I'm sure it was nothing Dawson, laughingly Joey said "what you think your mom might be messing around on your dad"? She seen that Dawson wasn't laughing and said "oh ok"."Jo that wasn't the first time I've caught my mom on the phone and she immediately hangs up when she sees me. "I'm sorry Dawson but have you thought,that it might be a surprise for your upcoming birthday"? "I didn't think of that Jo maybe you're right. Ok let's turn the movie back on" said Dawson.

The movie ended and Joey stood and started yawning. "I just love that movie" she said. "Yeah me too, hey Jo why don't you just sleep over tonight like you use to. If you feel too tired to go home that is" said Dawson. "You think it'll be ok because I am tired and I really don't feel like paddling the boat home" said Joey. "It's settled then Jo, you're staying here tonight" said Dawson. "Ok I'll just have to be up early enough to go home and get ready for school" Joey said.

"Loan me a pair of shorts would you Dawson"? "Jo you where they're at" said Dawson. Joey went to Dawson's drawer and grabbed a pair of his basketball shorts. Then she went into the restroom to change. He is so lucky to have his own bathroom she thought as she was changing.

When she came out of the bathroom, Dawson was already in bed starring up at the ceiling. "A penny for your thoughts" Joey said as she was climbing into the bed beside Dawson. "I hope you're right about my mom Jo". "Dawson aren't I always right" Joey said teasingly. "Is that so Jo" Dawson said as he straddled her and started tickling her. "Stop Dawson please stop" Joey said as she was laughing and trying to catch her breath. He stopped and looked down into her eyes, he started moving his head toward her face and right before his lips touched hers she turned her head to the side. Dawson didn't know what had came over him. He jumped off the bed and started apologizing. "I'm sorry Jo I don't know what that was. Please forgive me Jo,it won't happen again. Joey had just layed there confused and wondering what the heck almost just happened. She finally looked at Dawson and calmly said "Dawson get back into bed so we can get some sleep". Dawson couldn't believe she was acting so calm but he did what he was told and got back into bed. "Jo you ok"? "Yes Dawson I'm ok. Goodnight Dawson". "Goodnight Jo Dawson said as he turned out the light.

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