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The next morning Joey woke up with Dawson sitting on her bed. "Good morning sleeping beauty". "Dawsonnn what are you doing here? I thought I was meeting you along with everyone else down at the pier this morning".

"Joey I barely got any sleep last night due to me wondering what's going on with us. I need to know what's going on. I've seen the way Pacey and you have been looking at each other, you didn't sleep over last night like you've been doing since forever and then I seen Pacey and you in private conversation. I thought it was me and you Jo". "Yes Pacey walked me to the dock and we were talking so what. Me not sleeping over is because we are getting older and we wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea". "What people Jo, you've always slept over Joey. That never stopped you before. I'm just going to come out and ask, is there anything going on with you and Pacey"? "Jesus Dawson, I just seen him for the first time in six years yesterday. I can't believe we are actually having this conversation and I haven't even had breakfast yet". "I'm sorry Joey for coming at you with this so early but it's really been weighing on my mind". "Dawson you are my bestest friend in the whole wide world. We've both been in each other's friend zones for so long, maybe that's all that's meant to be between us". "So are you telling me that Pacey and you are going to be more than just friends". "I don't know Dawson, what I do know is that I need to get out of this bed, showered and dressed. I'll meet you at the breakfast table. Now out"!

Dawson was sitting at the table having some coffee when Joey emerged from the bathroom, all showered and dressed for the day. "Would you mind pouring me a cup please" she said sweetly as she was fixing a bowl of cereal. "Do you want some cereal Dawson"? "Sure Jo". "You know you asked me about Pacey, what about you and Jen"? "There isn't anything with Jen and me". "If you say so Dawson".

They finished their breakfast and coffee with little else being said between them. They put their dishes in the sink and walked outside to hop on their bikes and made their way to Dawson's house, to meet the others at the pier.

Pacey was already on the pier baiting his hook when Dawson and Joey got there. They got off their bikes and walked up to him. "Good morning everyone" Jen said walking up with a picnic basket in hand. I told Grams about our plans last night for today and she insisted on me bringing this" as she waved the basket to the others. Joey took the basket from Jen and sat it on the bench, "that's so sweet Jen make sure to thank her for us". Pacey feeling a little jealous said "so Dawson why did you have to escort Joey here"? Dawson looked at Pacey and said "I didn't want her to be late". "Dawson is such a thoughtful friend" Joey said.

Pacey looking at the girls said "get your poles ready". "Eww no Pacey I'm just going to get some sun" Jen said. "Me too Pace" said Joey.

Both girls started taking their clothes off to reveal their swim suits. Jen had on a simple red two piece, Joey had on a yellow one piece. The guys couldn't help but stare at them. Dawson couldn't take his eyes off Jen and Pacey was enamored with Joey.

The boys were fishing, to their dismay not getting any bites and the girls were lying in the sun. When all of a sudden Jen jumped up, dove into the water following Joey then the guys.

"How about a good ole chicken fight, Jen you get on my shoulders and Joey you get on Pacey's" Dawson said. Joey couldn't believe this arrangement, not after the conversation they had earlier. Maybe they really were just meant for friendship she thought.

As soon as Pacey and Joey touched there was that spark again. They both felt it but didn't say anything, they just looked at each other knowingly.

The first one Jen won, the second Joey won. "Ok girls this one is for the tie breaker" said Dawson. "Come on Jo we got this" said Pacey. Just like that Jen and Dawson toppled over. Joey and Pacey won. Joey jumped off Pacey's shoulders into the water, she was about to make her way out when Pacey grabbed her and gave her a great big hug. "Congratulations partner" he said and let her go.

They had all settled down on the grassy knoll with the picnic basket between them. Jen started pulling everything out and noticed there wasn't any drinks. "Hey guys how about getting us girls some cold drinks, while Joey and I have a little girl talk" Jen said.

When the guys were out of ear shot Jen started in on Joey. "So out with it Joey, what's up with you and Dawson Leery"? "Best friends since we could remember". "Just best friends, not anything more" asked Jen. "Nope nothing more". "What about Pacey Joey, anything there"? We all use to hang out until he moved away six years ago. Yesterday was the first day I had seen him since then". "I've noticed a few moments between you two" Jen said. Before anything else could be said the boys walked up with drinks in their hands. Joey sighed with relief because she didn't know what was going on with Pacey.

They finished the food that Grams had packed for them and were just lying around relaxing, looking up at the sky. "How about we all go to the Rialto tonight about 7 o'clock and watch the movie called The Last Picture Show" Dawson asked them. "Sounds like a plan" Pacey answered. "Sounds good Dawson, I'll meet you all there" said Joey. "Jen if you want you and I can walk there together, since we are neighbors". "Sure Dawson that'll be fine".

Once the plans were settled for the night they all got up to leave. Pacey stopped Joey and asked her if it would be ok if he met her at her house and walked with her to the theater. "If you insist Mr. Witter" Joey said while smiling. "I insist Miss Potter".

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