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Bessie and Joey pulled up to Jen's house Saturday morning. Jen's driveway is between her and Dawson's houses. Joey seen Dawson outside,while waiting for Jen to come out she decided to walk over and talk to him. "Hey Joey what's up" asked Dawson as she walked up to him. "Dawson ever since Jen and Pacey came into our lives we haven't been able to talk or hang out much. So I was thinking Sunday you and I could have a movie night. Just us Dawson". "Sounds good to me Jo,I'll have to talk to Jen first but I'm sure it'll be ok. You should also mention it to Pacey". "Yeah I will when we all meet up later. Gotta go Dawson, I see Jen finally coming out. Can't wait to get this girls day started". "Good luck Jo and have fun" Dawson shouted to her as she was leaving.

Joey seen Jen making her way to the truck and hurried to meet up with her. "Hey Joey" Jen said. "Hey Jen I would like to introduce you to my sister Bessie,Bessie this is Jen". "Nice to meet you Bessie and thank you so much for driving us today". "Nice to meet you Jen and thank you for letting me tag along with you girls today. Where should we start this shopping trip ladies? I know homecoming is coming up and Joey needs to find a dress". "How about the mall Bess" said Joey.

The mall was packed and it took them a little time to get where they wanted but they stopped in front of the little dress boutique they were looking for. Joey and Jen tried on several dresses and by the time they finally decided on the one they wanted it was lunch time. "Hey girls how about we head to the food court and get some lunch,I'm starving" said Bessie. "Yes please" said the girls and made their way to the food court.

Once they each had their food in hand they looked for a table, so that they could sit down and eat their lunch. Joey heard her name being called, she looked around and seen Jack waving her over. They made their way to his table and seen Andi was also there. "Hey guys this is my sister Bessie, Bessie this is Jack and Andi". "Sit down we have plenty of room. So what brings you all here to this madhouse" asked Jack. " We were just looking for dresses for homecoming" said Joey. "Yeah us too" said Andi finally acknowledging them.

"Well guys it's been a pleasure to eat and chat with you but we have to get home to check on our mom" said Andi. "See you in school Monday Joey, Jen and nice to meet you Bessie" said Jack.

After they left Bessie asked Jen and Joey what they had planned after the mall. "We are meeting Pacey and Dawson for dinner and then we are going bowling" said Joey. "Joey why don't you two meet the guys at the bowling alley and have a pizza for dinner there". That way I can drop you off at the bowling alley and you won't have to walk there". Also you and Jen can play some arcade games while you wait for the guys" said Bessie. "Bessie that's a wonderful idea, plus I hate walking unless I absolutely have to but before you drop us off can we drop of my dress at home" asked Jen. "Sure we can Jen" said Bessie. "I'll go look for a phone to call Dawson and tell him the plans. That way he can get in touch with Pacey and let him know" said Joey. While Joey was gone, Jen asked Bessie if there were any stores she wanted to visit when Joey got back. "I'm afraid not Jen, all I want to do is drop off your dress, drop you two off at the bowling alley and go home and rest. This baby tires me out so quickly".

Joey returned and said she was able to get in touch with Dawson who in return said Pacey was with him and said that they would meet them at the bowling alley.

They dropped Jen's dress off and headed to the bowling alley. Just as Bessie pulled in and was about to park to let the girls out, she shrieked and grabbed her stomach. "Bess are you ok" asked Joey? Jen was looking at Bessie with terror on her face. "I'm ok girls, the baby kicked and it surprised me. I'm sorry if I scared you. I haven't gotten use to feeling something kick me from the inside yet".

The girls got out of the truck but before Bessie left she said "be sure Pacey and Dawson walk you both home". "Ok Bessie love you, now go get some rest woman" said Joey. "Bye Jen and again it was nice meeting you" said Bessie. "Same here Bessie but like Joey said go home and get some rest please". "Ok girls have fun" Bessie said as she was driving away.

Jen and Joey entered the bowling alley and headed straight to the arcade. To their surprise Pacey and Dawson were already there playing a game. The guys were so engrossed in their game that they didn't notice that the girls had arrived. Jen and Joey walked up behind them and said "guess who". They spun around and swept them up into hugs. "We didn't think you two would be here until later" said Joey. "Yeah well we didn't want our girls to be all alone at the bowling alley and having guys trying to hit on them" said Pacey. "Oh our knights in shining armor Jen" said Joey as she wrapped her arm around Pacey's waist. "Since we're all here what do you want to do" asked Dawson. "I don't know about you two,motioning toward Dawson and Pacey but I want to play Joey a couple games of air hockey. What do you say Jo" asked Jen. "Lead the way mam" said Joey.

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