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"Jo are you and the baby ready to go?" Pacey asked. Today was the first day of senior year for Joey and the first day of college for Pacey. Joey was about to say we are ready to go when she had to hand the baby to Pacey and rush to the bathroom. "Jo you ok?" "Yeah I just got nauseated all of a sudden." "Are you ok to go to school sweetheart?" "Pace I can't miss the first day." "Well if you think you are ok to go, then let's go. We still have drop Jr. off with my mom. Then I got to drop you off at the high and I have to get to the college.

Once they were on the road, Pacey looked over at Joey and said "Jo do you think you could be pregnant?" "Pace I have been taking my birth control and have not missed a dose. It's probably just my nerves." "Ok Jo but I am going to pick up a pregnancy on the way home this evening" Pacey said as he pulled into his parents driveway. "You stay here and I will take Jr. into mom." Joey sat in the truck while Pacey took the baby in. I can not be pregnant a second time so soon. She thought to herself as she waited.

When Pacey got back to the truck he said "mom said to tell you good luck today." "Pace what are we going to do if I am pregnant again?" "I guess we'll welcome that baby as we did Pacey Jr." "We are not even married yet and here we are might be expecting another baby already" Joey said. As Pacey pulled to a stop in front of the high school he turned to Joey and said "come here Jo, don't stress about something we don't know for sure yet. We do need to set a date for our wedding because if you are pregnant, I want us to be married before the little one gets here. I wanted to be married before Jr. got here but you were already stressed enough. I didn't want to add anymore to you. So after you take the test this evening, we will sit down and choose a date. Now give me a kiss and get your cute little butt in that school and learn something. Mom is going to pick you up after school and take you and the baby home." Joey got out of the truck after giving Pacey a quick peck on the lips. "Good luck on your first day babe. I love you Pace." "I love you too Jo and good luck to you also."

Joey walked into school with the thought of being pregnant again still on her mind but when she saw Jen, Dawson, Andi and Jack, they started comparing schedules to see who was in whose class. After comparing schedules they seen that that all had drama class together but that was about it other than lunch, which they all had together. The bell rung and they all scattered to their homeroom classes, except for Joey who had to rush to the bathroom once again to throw up. When she came out of the bathroom stall Jen was standing there looking at her. "Jo you ok, I seen you rush in here and decided to follow you to check on you." "Yeah Jen I am ok. Thank you for checking on me. I think it's just my nerves, I just need to get back into the swing of things again."

Joey rinsed her mouth out and washed her hands then her and Jen hurried off to class. "Ms. Potter, the teacher said when she entered the classroom. Since today is the first day of school I am going to overlook your tardiness but just for today. Please make it a priority to be on time from this day forward." Joey feeling her cheeks redden hurriedly and took a seat in the back of the room.

At lunch Joey was still feeling nauseated so she just grabbed a sprite from the soda machine and went to join her friends at the lunch tabled. "Can you believe I got detention the first day of school for being tardy " Jen was saying when Joey sat down. "I am sorry Jen that you got detention, if it will help I will talk to your teacher and tell him that you were just checking on me in the restroom, that's why you were tardy. "I am not sure if it will help but there he is if you want to talk to him" Jen said motioning toward Mr. Morton.

"Mr. Morton may I speak with you for a moment please." "Sure young lady but make it snappy because as you are I too am on my lunch break." "This morning my friend Jen, Joey started while pointing over at Jen. She was checking on me in the bathroom, that's why she was late. Please do not give her detention for being a good friend." Mr. Morton thought a moment then said "fine I will overlook it this time but this time only. Now if you would excuse me but I would like to enjoy the rest of my lunch." "Thank you Mr. Morton for understanding" Joey said then went back to her seat with her friends. "Thanks Jo, I really did not want to serve detention on my first day" Jen said laughing.

Joey met Pacey's mom out in the school parking lot. As soon as Joey got in the car Mrs. Witter asked her "how was your first day sweetie?" "It was ok, I am thankful that I have no homework tonight. I actually have study period for my last class. Which works out good because I am able to get all my homework done and not have to worry about getting it done while trying to care for Pacey Jr." "That's great sweetie, Jr. was a great baby today. I put him on a pallet on the floor and I swear it won't be long until he's crawling. They grow up so fast nowadays it seems like. Joey do need to go anywhere else before I drop you and the baby off?" "No mam, home is fine."

Mrs. Witter pulled up outside Pacey and Joey's apartment and turned the ignition off. "Let me help you inside, I made you and Pacey a tuna casserole for your dinner tonight. I was pretty that you would not feel like cooking. The casserole should last a couple of days." "Thanks Mrs. Witter for everything you have done and do for us, I do not know what we would do without you and Mr. Witter." "Dear if you want you can call us mom and dad but only if you are comfortable with it. "Thanks mom" Joey said smiling as she walked Mrs. Witter to the door.

Today had took a toll on Joey. So after Mrs. Witter left, she took Pacey Jr. out of his car seat and took him to the bedroom and layed down. She only meant to sleep for about an hour but when she opened her eyes she noticed that Pacey Jr. was no longer laying beside her. She quickly jumped up and went to search for him. She found him in his swing and Pacey in the kitchen heating up dinner. "Pace I am sorry I was going to do that before you got home but I was exhausted and just wanted to take a short nap." "It's ok sweetheart, I got it. I figured you were tired. Did you throw up anymore after you got to school?" "Yeah right after the bell rung for first period. I did not eat lunch either because I so nauseated." "Guess we need to get this over with then" he said handing her the small paper bad that held the pregnancy test inside.

When she came opened the bathroom door, Pacey was standing there. She walked into his arms and he asked "well what's the verdict?" "I was too scared to look, can you look?" Pacey unwrapped his arms from around and walked into the bathroom. He picked up the stick and looked down at it. "Pace what does it say?" "Jo we need to choose a wedding date stat." Joey could not help it but she broke down crying and ran into the bedroom and threw herself on the bed. Pacey was right behind her. He sat down on the bed and started patting her back. He starting reassuring her that everything was going to be ok.

Joey finally got her emotions under control and sat down with Pacey to dinner. As soon as she smelled the tuna she had to make a run for the bathroom. Pacey followed her and he wetted a washcloth with cold water and handed it to her. "Jo you need to make a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. You have to be able to eat, especially now that you are eating for two."

After Pacey had finished cleaning the kitchen he took a seat beside Joey with a calendar in his hand. "How long do you think it will take to plan a wedding?" " I am not sure Pace, maybe we should talk to your mom and Bessie first."

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